[SciPy-User] RZ Factorization

Del Citto Francesco francesco.delcitto at sauber-motorsport.com
Wed Sep 3 11:17:00 EDT 2014


I'm new to this mailing list, so first of all I'd like to thank all the developers for the great work behind numpy, scipy and all the related tools!

Now, back to the subject of my email.
I'd like to implement in Python a methodology based on an RZ Factorization of an upper trapezoidal matrix, which is actually the "R" matrix of a QR decomposition of a non-squared matrix.
It is something I have already done a few years ago in Fortran, using some dedicated LAPACK functions, namely:


Now, DGEQP3 is already wrapped in SciPy 0.14.0, but the other functions aren't.
(Strictly speaking, DGELSY has nothing to do with the decomposition itself, as it solves an over- or under-determined system using an orthogonal factorization, but it is a function I used in my Fortran code and it is not wrapped)

As I generally install SciPy from sources, I have modified scipy/linalg/flapack.pyf.src adding:

   subroutine <prefix2>tzrzf(m,n,a,tau,work,lwork,info)

   ! tz_a,tau,work,info = tzrzf(a,lwork=3*(n+1),overwrite_a=0)
   ! Compute a QTZ factorization of a real M-by-N matrix A:
   !   A = T * Z = ( R 0 ) * Z.
   ! where Z is an N-by-N orthogonal matrix and R is an M-by-M upper
   ! triangular matrix.

     callstatement (*f2py_func)(&m,&n,a,&m,tau,work,&lwork,&info)
     callprotoargument int*,int*,<ctype2>*,int*,<ctype2>*,<ctype2>*,int*,int*

     integer intent(hide),depend(a):: m = shape(a,0)
     integer intent(hide),depend(a):: n = shape(a,1)
     <ftype2> dimension(m,n),intent(in,out,copy,out=tz,aligned8) :: a
     <ftype2> dimension(MIN(m,n)),intent(out) :: tau

     integer optional,intent(in),depend(n),check(lwork>=n||lwork==-1) :: lwork=3*(n+1)
     <ftype2> dimension(MAX(lwork,1)),intent(out),depend(lwork) :: work
     integer intent(out) :: info
   end subroutine <prefix2>tzrzf

recompiled and I can now see DTZRZF from Python as scipy.linalg.lapack.dtzrzf, which is great.

I'll do the same for the other two missing functions and expose them to my code, but in any case I'll lose the compatibility with a standard SciPy installation, which is not ideal if you need to install the program somewhere else.

Is there any other way of accessing these functions from a clean SciPy installations?
Are there plans to include the RZ factorization with a high-level wrapper as done for the QR?


Francesco Del Citto
CFD Group
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