[SciPy-User] multiple cores
David Goldsmith
eulergaussriemann at gmail.com
Fri May 5 20:27:58 EDT 2017
Hi, Carlton. This is not an area of expertise of mine, but I took the
liberty of Googling the topic and here's the top hit:
http://scipy.github.io/old-wiki/pages/ParallelProgramming. The top line
is: "This is an archival dump of old wiki content --- see scipy.org for
current material," so I clicked on the link to go to the scipy home page
and repeated my search there...and the top hit was the same page. :-(
Scrolling down in these search results, I see some more-or-less relevant
links, but nothing general, so I started reading the "old" page. These are
the highlights, IMO:
"numpy/scipy are not perfect in this area, but there are some things you
can do."
"The best way to make use of a parallel processing system depend on the
task you're doing and on the parallel system you're using." (I regard this
as particularly pertinent, absent knowledge of your system, as one thing I
do know is that Windows is, or at least was--I stopped using Windoze with
the introduction of 8--particularly "protective" of the allocation of
processors; I'm less familiar with the "friendliness" of Posix flavors,
including Linux and Mac.)
And finally:
""premature optimization is the root of all evil
your code working first, before even thinking about parallelization. Then
ask yourself whether your code actually needs to be any faster. Don't
embark on the bug-strewn path of parallelization unless you have to."
Wiser words are rarely spoken. Nevertheless, though billed as old, that
document _appears_ to be the most current, general document on parallel
programming w/ scipy, so it appears to be the place to start (and it _does_
have specific suggestions on how and when to parallelize scipy code).
I'd hope that more expert voices will chime in, but _sometimes_ that takes
a little while, so I wanted to give you something to mull in the meantime.
On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 4:18 PM, Carlton Banks <noflaco at gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyone are of whether SciPy
> <https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy-0.15.1/reference/generated/scipy.optimize.differential_evolution.html> use
> multiple cores?
> if not is there a possibility of this?
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