[SciPy-User] [Numpy-discussion] NumPy v1.13.0rc1 released.

Nadav Horesh nadavh at visionsense.com
Thu May 11 09:09:51 EDT 2017

There is a change to "expand_dims" function, that it is now does not allow axis = a.ndims.

This influences matplotlib function get_bending_matrices in triinterpolate.py


From: NumPy-Discussion <numpy-discussion-bounces+nadavh=visionsense.com at python.org> on behalf of Charles R Harris <charlesr.harris at gmail.com>
Sent: 11 May 2017 04:48:34
To: numpy-discussion; SciPy-User; SciPy Developers List; python-announce-list at python.org
Subject: [Numpy-discussion] NumPy v1.13.0rc1 released.

Hi All,

I'm please to announce the NumPy 1.13.0rc1 release. This release supports Python 2.7 and 3.4-3.6 and contains many new features. It is one of the most ambitious releases in the last several years. Some of the highlights and new functions are


  *   Operations like ``a + b + c`` will reuse temporaries on some platforms, resulting in less memory use and faster execution.
  *   Inplace operations check if inputs overlap outputs and create temporaries to avoid problems.
  *   New __array_ufunc__ attribute provides improved ability for classes to override default ufunc behavior.
  *    New np.block function for creating blocked arrays.

New functions

  *   New ``np.positive`` ufunc.
  *   New ``np.divmod`` ufunc provides more efficient divmod.
  *   New ``np.isnat`` ufunc tests for NaT special values.
  *   New ``np.heaviside`` ufunc computes the Heaviside function.
  *   New ``np.isin`` function, improves on ``in1d``.
  *   New ``np.block`` function for creating blocked arrays.
  *   New ``PyArray_MapIterArrayCopyIfOverlap`` added to NumPy C-API.

Wheels for the pre-release are available on PyPI. Source tarballs, zipfiles, release notes, and the Changelog are available on github<https://github.com/numpy/numpy/releases/tag/v1.13.0rc1>.

A total of 100 people contributed to this release.  People with a "+" by their
names contributed a patch for the first time.

  *   A. Jesse Jiryu Davis +
  *   Alessandro Pietro Bardelli +
  *   Alex Rothberg +
  *   Alexander Shadchin
  *   Allan Haldane
  *   Andres Guzman-Ballen +
  *   Antoine Pitrou
  *   Antony Lee
  *   B R S Recht +
  *   Baurzhan Muftakhidinov +
  *   Ben Rowland
  *   Benda Xu +
  *   Blake Griffith
  *   Bradley Wogsland +
  *   Brandon Carter +
  *   CJ Carey
  *   Charles Harris
  *   Danny Hermes +
  *   Duke Vijitbenjaronk +
  *   Egor Klenin +
  *   Elliott Forney +
  *   Elliott M Forney +
  *   Endolith
  *   Eric Wieser
  *   Erik M. Bray
  *   Eugene +
  *   Evan Limanto +
  *   Felix Berkenkamp +
  *   François Bissey +
  *   Frederic Bastien
  *   Greg Young
  *   Gregory R. Lee
  *   Importance of Being Ernest +
  *   Jaime Fernandez
  *   Jakub Wilk +
  *   James Cowgill +
  *   James Sanders
  *   Jean Utke +
  *   Jesse Thoren +
  *   Jim Crist +
  *   Joerg Behrmann +
  *   John Kirkham
  *   Jonathan Helmus
  *   Jonathan L Long
  *   Jonathan Tammo Siebert +
  *   Joseph Fox-Rabinovitz
  *   Joshua Loyal +
  *   Juan Nunez-Iglesias +
  *   Julian Taylor
  *   Kirill Balunov +
  *   Likhith Chitneni +
  *   Loïc Estève
  *   Mads Ohm Larsen
  *   Marein Könings +
  *   Marten van Kerkwijk
  *   Martin Thoma
  *   Martino Sorbaro +
  *   Marvin Schmidt +
  *   Matthew Brett
  *   Matthias Bussonnier +
  *   Matthias C. M. Troffaes +
  *   Matti Picus
  *   Michael Seifert
  *   Mikhail Pak +
  *   Mortada Mehyar
  *   Nathaniel J. Smith
  *   Nick Papior
  *   Oscar Villellas +
  *   Pauli Virtanen
  *   Pavel Potocek
  *   Pete Peeradej Tanruangporn +
  *   Philipp A +
  *   Ralf Gommers
  *   Robert Kern
  *   Roland Kaufmann +
  *   Ronan Lamy
  *   Sami Salonen +
  *   Sanchez Gonzalez Alvaro
  *   Sebastian Berg
  *   Shota Kawabuchi
  *   Simon Gibbons
  *   Stefan Otte
  *   Stefan Peterson +
  *   Stephan Hoyer
  *   Søren Fuglede Jørgensen +
  *   Takuya Akiba
  *   Tom Boyd +
  *   Ville Skyttä +
  *   Warren Weckesser
  *   Wendell Smith
  *   Yu Feng
  *   Zixu Zhao +
  *   Zè Vinícius +
  *   aha66 +
  *   davidjn +
  *   drabach +
  *   drlvk +
  *   jsh9 +
  *   solarjoe +
  *   zengi +


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