[SciPy-User] Creating meshgrid from meshgrid
Florian Lindner
mailinglists at xgm.de
Wed Sep 6 00:31:29 EDT 2017
I'm sorry, I realized my posting was confusing, tried to rewrite it:
In 1-d I can easily and elegantly achieve what I want, but I'm unable to transfer it to 2-d or even higher dimensional
I have two 1-d meshes of size N = 3.
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [10, 20, 30]
now I want to evaluate a function fun on on the difference/norm of all pairs of these meshes:
def fun(x):
return x
mgrid = np.meshgrid( a,b )
A = fun( np.abs(mgrid[0] - mgrid[1] ) )
Result A is of size N x N:
array([[ 9, 8, 7],
[19, 18, 17],
[29, 28, 27]])
which is
|b[0]-a[0]| |b[0]-a[1]| |b[0]-a[2]|
|b[1]-a[0]| |b[1]-a[1]| |b[1]-a[2]|
|b[2]-a[0]| |b[2]-a[1]| |b[2]-a[2]|
(only arguments of fun, for sake of brevity)
Now in 2-d function fun stays the same.
I have again two meshes a and b
ax = [1, 2, 3]
ay = [4, 5, 6]
bx = [10, 20, 30]
by = [40, 50, 60]
a = np.meshgrid(ax, ay)
b = np.meshgrid(bx, by)
Now, how can I do the same I did with the 1-d meshes above for 2-d and possibly also for higher dimensions?
The first row of A:
|| (10 40) - (1 4) || || (10 40) - (1 5) || || (10 40) - (1 6) ||
|| (10 40) - (2 4) || || (10 40) - (2 5) || || (10 40) - (2 6) ||
|| (10 40) - (3 4) || || (10 40) - (3 5) || || (10 40) - (3 6) ||
(everything is jus the first row of A, again only arguments of fun)
The result mesh should have the size N * N x N * N.
I tried to create the coordinates of a and b
ca = np.array(list(zip(a[0].flatten(), a[1].flatten())))
cb = np.array(list(zip(b[0].flatten(), b[1].flatten())))
And create a meshgrid from that:
mgrid = np.meshgrid([ca], [cb])
but alone the dimensionality does not fit (18 instead of 9).
I hope I was now able to better get across what I want.
Am 06.09.2017 um 07:54 schrieb Chris Barker:
> I'm confused as to what you are trying to do.
> Meshgrid is used to create a regular grid when you have a vectors of the axes.
> It support 2 or more dimensions.
> I have two arrays of size N (let's say 2 arrays of length 4) that I combine using np.meshgrid
> xxA, yyA = np.meshgrid(xA, yA)
> xxB, yyB = np.meshgrid(xB, yB)
> which gives me two meshes
> xx.shape = yy.shape = (4,4)
> which represent a N-dimensional mesh with 16 elements.
> no -- it represents a 2-dimensional mesh with four nodes in each direction.
> Now I want to evaluate a function f on every possible pair of N-dimensional points in the grid, resulting in a 16 x 16
> matrix:
> I think you are looking for a different function than meshgrid.
> But if you want to evaluate a function on a four dimensional space, you can use meshgrid with four dimensions:
> xx, yy, zz, tt = meshgrid(x, y, z, t)
> results = func(xx,yy,zz,tt)
> note that with numpy's broadcasting, you may not need to use meshgrid at all.
> Is that what you are looking for?
> -CHB
> --
> Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
> Oceanographer
> Emergency Response Division
> NOAA/NOS/OR&R (206) 526-6959 voice
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE (206) 526-6329 fax
> Seattle, WA 98115 (206) 526-6317 main reception
> Chris.Barker at noaa.gov <mailto:Chris.Barker at noaa.gov>
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