[SciPy-User] Main Site Design Questions

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at gmail.com
Mon May 20 05:21:24 EDT 2019

On Mon, 20 May 2019, at 6:55 PM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> Regarding the website, there's of course the complication that scipy.org is about the "SciPy ecosystem" and scipy.org/scipylib about "SciPy the library". And then there's SciPy the conference as well.
> I actually think that today it would be an improvement to make the focus narrower. Disambiguate the name, point people to other places for the conference and ecosystem, and then focus on the library.

On this I agree strongly: scipy.org should be about the scipy library, scipy.org/community (or similar) about the broader ecosystem. That matches the rest of the ecosystem (dask.org, scikit-image.org, numpy.org, matplotlib.org...). Anything else is confusing.
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