[Soap-Python] soaplib applied patches

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Tue Apr 20 12:41:26 CEST 2010

On 04/19/10 04:12, Jamie Kirkpatrick wrote:
> Hey Burak
> What is your github username....do you want commit access to the 
> repository?  We need to get all these various patches merged in for a 
> new release.  You probably know more about which ones are decent than 
> I do though...
> Thanks


i'm located at github.com/plq

i think we first need to agree on a host. i like to stick to git but 
github lacks [1], and last time i looked, they also lacked unified issue 
tracking -- every fork gets a fresh wiki and issue tracker which is not 
really helping the project.

so i'm not sure it'd be the right choice. i got the github.com/soaplib 
repository just in case. if we're to stick with github, i think that 
should be the official repository to avoid any confusion.

does anyone have any suggestions for alternatives ?



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