[Soap-Python] license clarification

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Tue May 8 17:07:02 CEST 2012

On 08/05/12 16:50, Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
> By searching in the code, I found those infos:
> Copyright (C) Rpclib contributors. (in all the .py files)
> And the license cited is the LGPL-2.1, is that correct?
> Regarding the "Rpclib contributors", I don't think it's a valid claim, 
> because it does not name anyone explicitly.

Hi Wolfgang,

There's a CONTRIBUTORS file in the repository root. I thought that'd be 
enough. It got tedious to add everybody's name to every source file, so 
I moved the copyright clauses to that file.

Rpclib itself is LGPL-2.1 as said in the LICENSE file in the repo root. 
The examples are mostly under the three-clause bsd license. I've just 
clarified the license entry in setup.py


> Wolfgang
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