[Soap-Python] Using rpclib with wsdl containing namespaced messages

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Sat May 19 00:53:02 CEST 2012

On 05/18/12 13:06, Suraj Barkale wrote:
> I added _body_style='bare' and _soap_body_style='document' to SendCalcMessage()
> decorator. However, it caused a crash as ComplexModelBase.alias contains
> undefined 'ClassAlias'. Replacing ClassAlias by something that works has proved
> beyond my abilities.:(

Hi Suraj,

I could swear my code worked before I sent the previous message to you, 
but upon trying today, I saw it failed exactly as you showed.

So there was a rather obvious bug, which I fixed in my fork now it's 
working (I really hope it does this time!). It definitely needs tests, 

and of course: https://gist.github.com/2718747

So, does this help?


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