[Soap-Python] Using rpclib with wsdl containing namespaced messages

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Tue May 22 00:40:48 CEST 2012

Hi Suraj,

I merged pull request 129.

Regarding the Array(EnumType) case, would you please write a test that 
shows the problem first and submit a pull request from a dedicated 
branch to the arskom/rpclib repository? This way, it'll be easier for me 
to see what exactly the problem is and how you're fixing it. Thanks!

On 05/21/12 12:24, Suraj Barkale wrote:
> Thank you very much. I had to change aux to auxm as Windows does not 
> allow files named aux. After that the bare mode worked.

You should've seen my face when I realized you were speaking the truth :)

Is windows the PHP of operating systems or what?!

Anyway, I'll think of a better name. (actually, I don't think "auxm" is 
that bad) I filed a bug report in the arskom/rpclib tracker: 

> When are you planning to release 2.8? It seems there are a lot of 
> changes since 2.7 and I am afraid to use your experimental repo :)

Yes, 2.8 is the result of my sprinting and responding to the criticism I 
got in this year's PyCon, so it contains a lot of important fixes and 
additions. But the current 2.8 branch has been working in my production 
for a while, and lately it's been fairly stable. I even think it's in 
better shape than the current 2.7.0-beta release. So as long as you 
clone arskom/rpclib and not plq/rpclib, I don't think there is much to 
be afraid of.

However, I intend to test it a little bit more this time, squash most of 
the long-standing defects and also extend the test coverage a little bit 
more because my plan is to make this one the first non-beta release (a 
release candidate) since soaplib-1.0.

So, bear with me a little bit more.


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