[Soap-Python] rpclib: anydict as a parameter question

Dennis Fischer dfischer at key-systems.net
Thu May 31 10:52:58 CEST 2012

Ok, but how can I change that? As you can see, I'm not changing any 
rpclib code and the wsdl file is automaticly generated

Am 31.05.2012 10:45, schrieb Burak Arslan:
> On 05/31/12 11:25, Dennis Fischer wrote:
>> [Thu May 31 10:12:03 2012] [error] 
>> <faultcode>senv:Client.XMLSyntaxError</faultcode>
>> [Thu May 31 10:12:03 2012] [error] <faultstring>Namespace prefix xs 
>> on user is not defined, line 6, column 21</faultstring> 
> you have:
> <xs:user>abc</xs:user>
> you should have:
> <xs:user xmlns:xs="something">abc</xs:user>
> burak

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