[Soap-Python] How keep Python 3 moving forward - suds & Python 3

Jurko Gospodnetić jurko.gospodnetic at pke.hr
Mon May 26 06:55:34 CEST 2014

[re-posting this to soap at python.org, as Burlak Arslan thought it might 
be useful to the community]

   Hi Burak.

On 25.5.2014. 15:08, Burak Arslan wrote:
> I'm the maintainer of Spyne. Are you aware of soap at python.org? If not,
> making an announcement there would be a nice way to start replacing suds
> with your fork of suds.

   Nope, I was not aware of that mailing list and thanks for point me to
it. :-)

   As for formally taking over suds - I'm heading that way but am not
quite ready to do that officially just yet.

   The fork is readily available, but there are a few more things I'd
like to do before requesting it to be named the official suds successor. 
The main thing that pops to mind is that I still need to take over the 
original project's documentation and I want to set up an automated 
testing environment for the project.

> We can also start making interop testing between Spyne & suds-jurko.
> There used to be a soap client in Spyne but I dropped it in favour of
> suds years ago, so %100 interoperability with suds is important for me.

   I'm trying hard to keep suds-jurko 100% compatible with suds,
including keeping support for Python 2.4.

   There is one place where this suds compatibility got broken - suds
last_sent()/last_received() message getters have been removed. They were 
not really cleanly implemented (the data they returned got processed by 
some but not all registered suds plugins) and I'm planning on 
reimplementing them more cleanly some time in the near future. On the 
other hand, if this proves to be causing you any significant problems - 
the change itself is contained in a single easily revertible commit.

   I'd be most grateful if you could use the fork in any sort of a test
suite you have set up for your project - the more test coverage it gets, 
the better. Especially considering that the original project had not a 
single automated tests. :-D

   I'm working on it in my free time so its sometimes more and sometimes
less active. As for the topics - I've been trying to get the tests set
up before doing any other major work on the project, other than perhaps
looking into some interesting defects & missing features inherited from
the original project that seem to be irking a lot of people.

   There have been a lot of tests added, but the list of ones I realize
are missing seems to be growing even faster. :-D

   Hope you find the fork useful.

   Best regards,
     Jurko Gospodnetić


   FYI, here's a rough overview of the project's near term plans:

   Currently I'm working towards having a cleaner setup/test procedure
on different Python platforms and having all the tests runnable using
tox. Still not there yet, but getting closer every day. :-)

   I already implemented the improved last_sent()/last_received()
message getters locally, but did not feel like committing them until
related testing got improved. So that should be done next after the more
complete testing environment is set up.

   I guess, besides looking at some small patches and bug reports that
got collected on the project's BitBucket issue tracker, taking over the
documentation should come after that.

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