[Soap-Python] Spyne: ability to change default results name from FooResult to WhateverXyz ?
Patricio Stegmann Gmail
kpoman at gmail.com
Tue Apr 21 05:52:14 CEST 2015
The bare parameter is forcing me to have, for the decorated function,
only one parameter of input, for example (given a Foo method):
/@srpc(FooType, _body_style='bare', _returns=SomeReturnStructure)/
giving the following exception:
/Exception: body_style='bare' can handle at most one function argument./
The request is being sent as this:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
xmlns="http://standards.iso.org/iso-iec/19794/-1/" xmlns:ns2="tns"
However, the responses are being validated. These are auto-generated
stubs from some java webservices lib, so I guess the consumer of the
webservice won't do any change in the way he calls my rpc's. Basically
he calls directly but expects bare naming in return.
How do I fix this ?
Thank you !
On 15/04/2015 04:58, Burak Arslan wrote:
> On 04/14/15 21:08, Patricio Stegmann Gmail wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am looking at a way to change the default behaviour on output
>> generation with soap.
>> Basically spyne creates the typedefs but responds with its
>> autogenerated names:
>> /
>> //<senv:Envelope xmlns:tns="tns" xmlns:s0="datamodel"
>> xmlns:senv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">//
>> // <senv:Body>//
>> //* <tns:helloResponse>*//*
>> *//* <tns:helloResult>*//
>> // <s0:param2>myval</s0:param2>//
>> // <s0:param1>1</s0:param1>//
>> //* </tns:helloResult>*//*
>> *//* </tns:helloResponse>*//
>> // </senv:Body>//
>> //</senv:Envelope>/
>> I need to change the default name of helloResult. I could already
>> manage it for helloResponse, by using on the srpc decorator the
>> parameter _in_message_name etc... However, I dont know how to change
>> the name for helloResult. I tried, on the return type, to do
>> something like this:
> You need to use the bare mode. This disables auto class generation and
> uses classes supplied by you. Bare mode supports only one input and
> one output argument. You need to use a ComplexModel if you need to
> work with more than one argument in input or output.
> class HelloCustomResponse(ComplexModel):
> #(...)
> @rpc( (...) ,_body_style='bare', _returns=HelloCustomResponse)
> hth,
> burak
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