[Soc2015-general] GSoC 2015 links and early bird info

Terri Oda terri at toybox.ca
Sat Jan 24 22:22:47 CET 2015

I know lots of folk are eager to get started, so here’s some useful 
links so that they're in the archive:

The information page for GSoC 2015 is here:
(This includes answers to the most common question: "How do I get started?")

The link to sign up to this mailing list is here:

Our IRC channel is here:
     #python-gsoc on Freenode

Please remember that it's still a bit early.  As org admin for Python, 
I've been preparing for months (as have my co org admins Meflin and 
Florian) but many orgs are only just figuring out their mentors' 
schedules and starting to put up ideas.  Now is a good time to read 
documentation, set up your development environment and fix your first 
few bugs, but don't expect huge lists of project ideas until the org 
application deadline on Feb 20th.  We won't know if Python has been 
selected as a mentoring organization until Google's announcement on 
March 2nd.


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