[spambayes-bugs] [ spambayes-Bugs-964537 ] delete as spam doesn't always work

SourceForge.net noreply at sourceforge.net
Tue Aug 24 16:49:12 CEST 2004

Bugs item #964537, was opened at 2004-06-01 16:37
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by djforeman
You can respond by visiting: 

Category: Outlook
Group: 	Binary 1.0b1
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: teweb (teweb)
Assigned to: Mark Hammond (mhammond)
Summary: delete as spam doesn't always work

Initial Comment:
... message also posted to mail list...

[Geoff Campbell]
> Sometimes (very rarely) when I select an obvious 
spam message and 
> "click" on "Delete As Spam", nothing happens.  It 
seems that the 
> message is "SpamBayes proof"!  This happens once 
every several days, 
> but I can't see a pattern.  Using Outlook 2002 (SP-
1).  Would be happy 
> to send you a representative email.

That would be good.  There's probably a helpful (to us 
<wink>) message in your SpamBayes log file whenever 
this happens.  A real problem is that Outlook destroys 
the exact structure of incoming email, so you may not 
actually be able to give anyone else an email that 
reproduces the problem. When "nothing happens" in an 
otherwise-working SpamBayes, the usual cause is that 
the email is so badly formed (violates so many standards 
about how email *should* be constructed) that the 
SpamBayes email parser gives up trying to make any 
sense of it.  If that's what's happening, you will find 
helpful (to us) information in your SpamBayes log file.


I too am seeing this behavior - on about 1% of spam (I 
get 2 or 3 messages a day that won't delete as spam).  
I am using Outlook 2002 SP3 on XP Pro SP1, SpamBayes 

log file indicates:

<win32com.client.COMEventClass instance at 
0x55288616> pythoncom error: Python error invoking 
COM method. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "win32com\server\policy.pyc", line 283, in _Invoke_
  File "win32com\server\policy.pyc", line 288, in _invoke_
  File "win32com\server\policy.pyc", line 550, in 
  File "addin.pyc", line 633, in OnClick
  File "manager.pyc", line 802, in score
  File "spambayes\classifier.pyc", line 190, in 
  File "spambayes\classifier.pyc", line 493, in _getclues
  File "spambayes\classifier.pyc", line 504, in 
  File "spambayes\storage.pyc", line 261, in _wordinfoget
  File "shelve.pyc", line 111, in get
  File "shelve.pyc", line 119, in __getitem__
exceptions.ValueError: could not convert string to int



Comment By: Dennis Foreman (djforeman)
Date: 2004-08-24 10:49

Logged In: YES 

I have re-buit the DB and re-trained, but delete-as-spam
still fails sometimes. Here's my relevant logfile data:

Moving and spam training message 'Low rates available in
your local area' -  Training on message 'Low rates available
in your local area' - pythoncom error: Python error invoking
COM method.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "out1.pyz/win32com.server.policy", line 275, in _Invoke_
  File "out1.pyz/win32com.server.policy", line 280, in _invoke_
  File "out1.pyz/win32com.server.policy", line 541, in
  File "out1.pyz/addin", line 620, in OnClick
  File "out1.pyz/addin", line 151, in TrainAsSpam
  File "out1.pyz/train", line 46, in train_message
  File "out1.pyz/msgstore", line 894, in GetEmailPackageObject
  File "out1.pyz/msgstore", line 736, in _GetMessageText
  File "out1.pyz/msgstore", line 758, in _GetMessageTextParts
  File "out1.pyz/msgstore", line 439, in GetHTMLFromRTFProperty
pywintypes.com_error: (-2147221221, 'OLE error 0x8004011b',
None, None)


Comment By: Mark Hammond (mhammond)
Date: 2004-06-28 01:35

Logged In: YES 

This looks very much like a database corruption.  Can you
try training spambayes, ensuring 'rebuild entire database'
is selected?  Please reset the bug status to 'open' if it
doesn't solve it.


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