[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/email Charset.py,,NONE Encoders.py,,NONE Errors.py,,NONE Generator.py,,NONE Header.py,,NONE Iterators.py,,NONE MIMEAudio.py,,NONE MIMEBase.py,,NONE MIMEImage.py,,NONE MIMEMessage.py,,NONE MIMEMultipart.py,,NONE MIMENonMultipart.py,,NONE MIMEText.py,,NONE Message.py,1.2,NONE Parser.py,,NONE Utils.py,,NONE __init__.py,1.2,NONE _compat21.py,,NONE _compat22.py,,NONE base64MIME.py,,NONE quopriMIME.py,,NONE

Sjoerd Mullender sjoerd@acm.org
Fri Nov 15 09:45:19 2002

On Thu, Nov 14 2002 "Barry Warsaw" wrote:

> "Deleting" the email package from here.  Use "cvs up -P" to prune out
> the email directory.

Don't forget to remove the *.pyc (and *.pyo) files manually.
Otherwise "cvs up -P" won't delete the directory and you'll still use
the email stuff that was just deleted.

-- Sjoerd Mullender <sjoerd@acm.org>

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