[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs __init__.py,, dlgcore.py,,

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Aug 5 02:17:21 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv23289

Modified Files:
      Tag: outlook-dialog-branch
	__init__.py dlgcore.py 
Log Message:
Break the dialog into various classes, for better reuse.

Index: __init__.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/__init__.py,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.2.4.2 -r1.2.4.3
*** __init__.py	4 Aug 2003 07:39:13 -0000
--- __init__.py	5 Aug 2003 08:17:19 -0000
*** 23,26 ****
      import dlgcore
!     dlg = dlgcore.Dialog(parent, manager, idd, commands)
--- 23,26 ----
      import dlgcore
!     dlg = dlgcore.ProcessorDialog(parent, manager, idd, commands)

Index: dlgcore.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/Attic/dlgcore.py,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.1.2.5 -r1.1.2.6
*** dlgcore.py	4 Aug 2003 07:38:54 -0000
--- dlgcore.py	5 Aug 2003 08:17:19 -0000
*** 70,103 ****
  class Dialog:
!     def __init__(self, parent, manager, idd, option_handlers):
!         parser = manager.dialog_parser
          self.parent = parent
!         self.manager = manager
!         self.tt = TooltipManager(self)
          self.dialog_def = parser.dialogs[idd]
          self.template = self.dialog_def.createDialogTemplate()
-         win32gui.InitCommonControls()
-         self.hinst = win32api.GetModuleHandle(None)
-         self.options = manager.options
-         self.command_processors = {}
-         self.processor_message_map = {} # WM_MESSAGE : [processors_who_want_it]
-         self.all_processors = []
-         for data in option_handlers:
-             klass = data[0]
-             id_names = data[1]
-             rest = data[2:]
-             ids = id_names.split()
-             int_ids = [ parser.ids[id] for id in ids]
-             instance = klass(self,int_ids, *rest)
-             self.all_processors.append(instance)
-             for int_id in int_ids:
-                 self.command_processors[int_id] = instance
-             for message in instance.GetMessages():
-                 existing = self.processor_message_map.setdefault(message, [])
-                 existing.append(instance)
      def _GetIDName(self, cid):
!         return self.manager.dialog_parser.names.get(cid, str(cid))
      def CreateWindow(self):
--- 70,85 ----
+ # A base dialog class, that loads from resources.  Has no real smarts.
  class Dialog:
!     def __init__(self, parent, parser, idd):
!         win32gui.InitCommonControls()
!         self.hinst = win32api.GetModuleHandle(None)
          self.parent = parent
!         self.dialog_parser = parser
          self.dialog_def = parser.dialogs[idd]
          self.template = self.dialog_def.createDialogTemplate()
      def _GetIDName(self, cid):
!         return self.dialog_parser.names.get(cid, str(cid))
      def CreateWindow(self):
*** 107,121 ****
          return self._DoCreate(win32gui.DialogBoxIndirect)
-     def OnCommandProcessorMessage(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
-         for p in self.processor_message_map[msg]:
-             p.OnMessage(msg, wparam, lparam)
-     # Called back by a processor when it changes an option.  We tell all other
-     # options on our page that the value changed.
-     def OnOptionChanged(self, changed_by, option):
-         for p in self.all_processors:
-             if p is not changed_by:
-                 p.OnOptionChanged(option)
      def GetMessageMap(self):
          ret = {
--- 89,92 ----
*** 125,147 ****
              win32con.WM_INITDIALOG: self.OnInitDialog,
              win32con.WM_CLOSE: self.OnClose,
-             win32con.WM_HELP: self.OnHelp,
              win32con.WM_DESTROY: self.OnDestroy,
-             win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN: self.OnLButtonDown,
-             win32con.WM_ACTIVATE: self.OnActivate,
-         for key in self.processor_message_map.keys():
-             if key in ret:
-                 print "*** WARNING: Overwriting message!!!"
-             ret[key] = self.OnCommandProcessorMessage
          return ret
-     def _DoCreate(self, fn):
-         message_map = self.GetMessageMap()
-         return win32gui.DialogBoxIndirect(self.hinst, self.template, self.parent, message_map)
      def OnInitDialog(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
          self.hwnd = hwnd
-         self.LoadAllControls()
          # centre the dialog
          desktop = win32gui.GetDesktopWindow()
--- 96,105 ----
*** 150,165 ****
          centre_x, centre_y = win32gui.ClientToScreen( desktop, ( (dt_r-dt_l)/2, (dt_b-dt_t)/2) )
          win32gui.MoveWindow(hwnd, centre_x-(r/2), centre_y-(b/2), r-l, b-t, 0)
-         l,t,r,b = win32gui.GetClientRect(self.hwnd)
-         self._DoSize(r-l,b-t, 1)
      def OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
-         #print "OnDestroy"
-         self.command_processors = None
-         self.all_processors = None
-         self.processor_message_map = None
-     def _DoSize(self, cx, cy, repaint = 1):
      def OnLButtonDown(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
--- 108,148 ----
          centre_x, centre_y = win32gui.ClientToScreen( desktop, ( (dt_r-dt_l)/2, (dt_b-dt_t)/2) )
          win32gui.MoveWindow(hwnd, centre_x-(r/2), centre_y-(b/2), r-l, b-t, 0)
+     def OnCommand(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+         pass
+     def OnNotify(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+         pass
+     def OnClose(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+         pass
      def OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+     def _DoCreate(self, fn):
+         message_map = self.GetMessageMap()
+         return win32gui.DialogBoxIndirect(self.hinst, self.template, self.parent, message_map)
+     # A couple of helpers
+     def GetDlgItem(self, id):
+         if type(id)==type(''):
+             id = self.dialog_parser.ids[id]
+         return win32gui.GetDlgItem(self.hwnd, id)
+     def SetDlgItemText(self, id, text):
+         hchild = self.GetDlgItem(id)
+         win32gui.SendMessage(hchild, win32con.WM_SETTEXT, 0, text)
+ # A dialog with a tooltip manager
+ class TooltipDialog(Dialog):
+     def __init__(self, parent, parser, idd):
+         Dialog.__init__(self, parent, parser, idd)
+         self.tt = TooltipManager(self)
+     def GetMessageMap(self):
+         ret = Dialog.GetMessageMap(self)
+         ret.update( {
+             win32con.WM_HELP: self.OnHelp,
+             win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN: self.OnLButtonDown,
+             win32con.WM_ACTIVATE: self.OnActivate,
+         })
+         return ret
      def OnLButtonDown(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
*** 174,183 ****
                  struct.unpack(format, buf)
          #print "OnHelp", cbSize, iContextType, iCtrlId, hItemHandle, dwContextID, x, y
!         cp = self.command_processors.get(iCtrlId)
!         tt_text = None
!         if cp is not None:
!             tt_text = cp.GetPopupHelpText(iCtrlId)
!         else:
!             print "Can not get command processor for", self._GetIDName(iCtrlId)
          if tt_text:
              self.tt.ShowTooltipForControl(iCtrlId, tt_text)
--- 157,161 ----
                  struct.unpack(format, buf)
          #print "OnHelp", cbSize, iContextType, iCtrlId, hItemHandle, dwContextID, x, y
!         tt_text = self.GetPopupHelpText(iCtrlId)
          if tt_text:
              self.tt.ShowTooltipForControl(iCtrlId, tt_text)
*** 186,189 ****
--- 164,234 ----
          return 1
+     def GetPopupHelpText(self, control_id):
+         return None
+ # A "Processor Dialog" works with Command Processors, to link SpamBayes
+ # options with control IDS, giving a "data driven" dialog.
+ class ProcessorDialog(TooltipDialog):
+     def __init__(self, parent, manager, idd, option_handlers):
+         TooltipDialog.__init__(self, parent, manager.dialog_parser, idd)
+         parser = manager.dialog_parser
+         self.manager = manager
+         self.options = manager.options
+         self.command_processors = {}
+         self.processor_message_map = {} # WM_MESSAGE : [processors_who_want_it]
+         self.all_processors = []
+         for data in option_handlers:
+             klass = data[0]
+             id_names = data[1]
+             rest = data[2:]
+             ids = id_names.split()
+             int_ids = [ parser.ids[id] for id in ids]
+             instance = klass(self,int_ids, *rest)
+             self.all_processors.append(instance)
+             for int_id in int_ids:
+                 self.command_processors[int_id] = instance
+             for message in instance.GetMessages():
+                 existing = self.processor_message_map.setdefault(message, [])
+                 existing.append(instance)
+     def GetMessageMap(self):
+         ret = TooltipDialog.GetMessageMap(self)
+         for key in self.processor_message_map.keys():
+             if key in ret:
+                 print "*** WARNING: Overwriting message!!!"
+             ret[key] = self.OnCommandProcessorMessage
+         return ret
+     def OnInitDialog(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+         TooltipDialog.OnInitDialog(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
+         self.LoadAllControls()
+     def GetPopupHelpText(self, iCtrlId):
+         cp = self.command_processors.get(iCtrlId)
+         tt_text = None
+         if cp is not None:
+             return cp.GetPopupHelpText(iCtrlId)
+         print "Can not get command processor for", self._GetIDName(iCtrlId)
+         return None
+     def OnCommandProcessorMessage(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+         for p in self.processor_message_map[msg]:
+             p.OnMessage(msg, wparam, lparam)
+     # Called back by a processor when it changes an option.  We tell all other
+     # options on our page that the value changed.
+     def OnOptionChanged(self, changed_by, option):
+         for p in self.all_processors:
+             if p is not changed_by:
+                 p.OnOptionChanged(option)
+     def OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+         #print "OnDestroy"
+         self.command_processors = None
+         self.all_processors = None
+         self.processor_message_map = None
      def LoadAllControls(self):
          for p in self.all_processors:
*** 208,211 ****
--- 253,258 ----
      def OnClose(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+         if TooltipDialog.OnClose(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
+             return 1
          #print "OnClose"
          if not self.SaveAllControls():
*** 213,225 ****
          win32gui.EndDialog(hwnd, 0)
-     def OnSize(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
-         x = win32api.LOWORD(lparam)
-         y = win32api.HIWORD(lparam)
-         self._DoSize(x,y)
-         return 1
      def OnNotify(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
          #print "OnNotify", hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam
          # Parse the NMHDR
          format = "iii"
          buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(format), lparam)
--- 260,267 ----
          win32gui.EndDialog(hwnd, 0)
      def OnNotify(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
          #print "OnNotify", hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam
          # Parse the NMHDR
+         TooltipDialog.OnNotify(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
          format = "iii"
          buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(format), lparam)
*** 234,238 ****
      def OnCommand(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
!         self.tt.HideTooltip()
          id = win32api.LOWORD(wparam)
          handler = self.command_processors.get(id)
--- 276,280 ----
      def OnCommand(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
!         TooltipDialog.OnCommand(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
          id = win32api.LOWORD(wparam)
          handler = self.command_processors.get(id)

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