[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
async_processor.py, 1.1, 1.2 dialog_map.py, 1.1,
1.2 dlgcore.py, 1.1, 1.2 dlgutils.py, 1.1,
1.2 opt_processors.py, 1.1, 1.2 processors.py, 1.1,
1.2 test_dialogs.py, 1.1, 1.2 FolderSelector.py, 1.20,
1.21 __init__.py, 1.2, 1.3 AsyncDialog.py, 1.8,
NONE DialogGlobals.py, 1.1, NONE FilterDialog.py, 1.20,
NONE ManagerDialog.py, 1.10, NONE TrainingDialog.py, 1.13, NONE
Mark Hammond
mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Aug 10 01:26:52 EDT 2003
- Previous message: [Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000 about.html, 1.18,
1.19 addin.py, 1.90, 1.91 manager.py, 1.69, 1.70 train.py,
1.27, 1.28
- Next message: [Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/resources
.cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 __init__.py, 1.1, 1.2 dialogs.h, 1.1,
1.2 dialogs.rc, 1.1, 1.2 folders.bmp, 1.1, 1.2 rc2py.py, 1.1,
1.2 rcparser.py, 1.1, 1.2
- Messages sorted by:
[ date ]
[ thread ]
[ subject ]
[ author ]
Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv22259/dialogs
Modified Files:
FolderSelector.py __init__.py
Added Files:
async_processor.py dialog_map.py dlgcore.py dlgutils.py
opt_processors.py processors.py test_dialogs.py
Removed Files:
AsyncDialog.py DialogGlobals.py FilterDialog.py
ManagerDialog.py TrainingDialog.py
Log Message:
Merge in outlook-dialog-branch. Thanks everyone.
Index: FolderSelector.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/FolderSelector.py,v
retrieving revision 1.20
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -C2 -d -r1.20 -r1.21
*** FolderSelector.py 18 Jun 2003 13:29:46 -0000 1.20
--- FolderSelector.py 10 Aug 2003 07:26:49 -0000 1.21
*** 1,11 ****
from __future__ import generators
! from pywin.mfc import dialog
import win32con
import commctrl
- import win32ui
import win32api
! from DialogGlobals import *
--- 1,18 ----
from __future__ import generators
! import sys, os
import win32con
import commctrl
import win32api
+ import win32gui
! import struct, array
! import dlgutils
! def INDEXTOSTATEIMAGEMASK(i): # from new commctrl.h
! return i << 12
*** 56,60 ****
def _BuildFoldersMAPI(manager, folder_spec):
# This is called dynamically as folders are expanded.
! win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1)
folder = manager.message_store.GetFolder(folder_spec.folder_id).OpenEntry()
# Get the hierarchy table for it.
--- 63,67 ----
def _BuildFoldersMAPI(manager, folder_spec):
# This is called dynamically as folders are expanded.
! dlgutils.SetWaitCursor(1)
folder = manager.message_store.GetFolder(folder_spec.folder_id).OpenEntry()
# Get the hierarchy table for it.
*** 94,98 ****
print "** Unable to open child folder - ignoring"
print details
! win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0)
return children
--- 101,105 ----
print "** Unable to open child folder - ignoring"
print details
! dlgutils.SetWaitCursor(0)
return children
*** 123,168 ****
return root
## The dialog itself
! # IDs for controls we use.
! class FolderSelector(dialog.Dialog):
! style = (win32con.DS_MODALFRAME |
! win32con.WS_POPUP |
! win32con.WS_VISIBLE |
! win32con.WS_CAPTION |
! win32con.WS_SYSMENU |
! win32con.DS_SETFONT)
! cs = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE
! treestyle = (cs |
! win32con.WS_BORDER |
! commctrl.TVS_HASLINES |
! commctrl.TVS_LINESATROOT |
! commctrl.TVS_CHECKBOXES |
! commctrl.TVS_HASBUTTONS |
! dt = [
! # Dialog itself.
! ["", (0, 0, 247, 215), style, None, (8, "MS Sans Serif")],
! # Children
! [STATIC, "&Folders:", -1, (7, 7, 47, 9), cs ],
! ["SysTreeView32", None, IDC_LIST_FOLDERS, (7, 21, 172, 140), treestyle | win32con.WS_TABSTOP],
! [BUTTON, '', IDC_BUTTON_SEARCHSUB, (7, 167, 126, 9), cs | win32con.BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | win32con.WS_TABSTOP],
! [STATIC, "", IDC_STATUS1, (7, 180, 220, 9), cs ],
! [STATIC, "", IDC_STATUS2, (7, 194, 220, 9), cs ],
! [BUTTON, 'OK', win32con.IDOK, (190, 21, 50, 14), cs | win32con.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON | win32con.WS_TABSTOP],
! [BUTTON, 'Cancel', win32con.IDCANCEL, (190, 39, 50, 14), cs | win32con.BS_PUSHBUTTON | win32con.WS_TABSTOP],
! [BUTTON, 'C&lear All', IDC_BUTTON_CLEARALL, (190, 58, 50, 14), cs | win32con.BS_PUSHBUTTON | win32con.WS_TABSTOP],
! ]
! def __init__ (self, manager, selected_ids=None,
--- 130,205 ----
return root
+ # Helpers for the ugly win32 structure packing/unpacking
+ def _GetMaskAndVal(val, default, mask, flag):
+ if val is None:
+ return mask, default
+ else:
+ mask |= flag
+ return mask, val
+ def PackTVINSERTSTRUCT(parent, insertAfter, tvitem):
+ tvitem_buf, extra = PackTVITEM(*tvitem)
+ tvitem_buf = tvitem_buf.tostring()
+ format = "ii%ds" % len(tvitem_buf)
+ return struct.pack(format, parent, insertAfter, tvitem_buf), extra
+ def PackTVITEM(hitem, state, stateMask, text, image, selimage, citems, param):
+ extra = [] # objects we must keep references to
+ mask = 0
+ mask, hitem = _GetMaskAndVal(hitem, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_HANDLE)
+ mask, state = _GetMaskAndVal(state, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_STATE)
+ if not mask & commctrl.TVIF_STATE:
+ stateMask = 0
+ mask, text = _GetMaskAndVal(text, None, mask, commctrl.TVIF_TEXT)
+ mask, image = _GetMaskAndVal(image, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_IMAGE)
+ mask, selimage = _GetMaskAndVal(selimage, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE)
+ mask, citems = _GetMaskAndVal(citems, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_CHILDREN)
+ mask, param = _GetMaskAndVal(param, 0, mask, commctrl.TVIF_PARAM)
+ if text is None:
+ text_addr = text_len = 0
+ else:
+ text_buffer = array.array("c", text+"\0")
+ extra.append(text_buffer)
+ text_addr, text_len = text_buffer.buffer_info()
+ format = "iiiiiiiiii"
+ buf = struct.pack(format,
+ mask, hitem,
+ state, stateMask,
+ text_addr, text_len, # text
+ image, selimage,
+ citems, param)
+ return array.array("c", buf), extra
+ def UnpackLVITEM(buffer):
+ item_mask, item_hItem, item_state, item_stateMask, \
+ item_textptr, item_cchText, item_image, item_selimage, \
+ item_cChildren, item_param = struct.unpack("10i", buffer)
+ if item_textptr:
+ text = win32gui.PyGetString(item_textptr)
+ else:
+ text = None
+ # Todo - translate items without the mask bit set to None
+ return item_hItem, item_state, item_stateMask, \
+ text, item_image, item_selimage, \
+ item_cChildren, item_param
+ def UnpackLVNOTIFY(lparam):
+ format = "iiii40s40s"
+ buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(format), lparam)
+ hwndFrom, id, code, action, buf_old, buf_new \
+ = struct.unpack(format, buf)
+ item_old = UnpackLVITEM(buf_old)
+ item_new = UnpackLVITEM(buf_new)
+ return hwndFrom, id, code, action, item_old, item_new
## The dialog itself
+ import dlgcore
! FolderSelector_Parent = dlgcore.TooltipDialog
! class FolderSelector(FolderSelector_Parent):
! def __init__ (self, parent, manager, selected_ids=None,
*** 174,182 ****
assert not single_select or selected_ids is None or len(selected_ids)<=1
- dialog.Dialog.__init__ (self, self.dt)
self.single_select = single_select
self.next_item_id = 1
self.item_map = {}
self.select_desc_noun = desc_noun
--- 211,221 ----
+ FolderSelector_Parent.__init__(self, parent, manager.dialog_parser, "IDD_FOLDER_SELECTOR")
assert not single_select or selected_ids is None or len(selected_ids)<=1
self.single_select = single_select
self.next_item_id = 1
self.item_map = {}
+ self.timer_id = None
+ self.imageList = None
self.select_desc_noun = desc_noun
*** 227,231 ****
item_id = self._MakeItemParam(child)
! hitem = self.list.InsertItem(hParent, 0,
--- 266,270 ----
item_id = self._MakeItemParam(child)
! insert_buf, extras = PackTVINSERTSTRUCT(hParent, 0,
*** 236,243 ****
# If this folder is in the list of ones we need to expand
# to show pre-selected items, then force expand now.
if self.InIDs(child.folder_id, self.expand_ids):
! self.list.Expand(hitem, commctrl.TVE_EXPAND)
# If single-select, and this is ours, select it
# (multi-select uses check-boxes, not selection)
--- 275,287 ----
+ hitem = win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_INSERTITEM,
+ 0, insert_buf)
# If this folder is in the list of ones we need to expand
# to show pre-selected items, then force expand now.
if self.InIDs(child.folder_id, self.expand_ids):
! win32gui.SendMessage(self.list,
! commctrl.TVM_EXPAND,
! commctrl.TVE_EXPAND, hitem)
# If single-select, and this is ours, select it
# (multi-select uses check-boxes, not selection)
*** 245,249 ****
self.selected_ids and
self.InIDs(child.folder_id, self.selected_ids)):
! self.list.SelectItem(hitem)
def _DetermineFoldersToExpand(self):
--- 289,295 ----
self.selected_ids and
self.InIDs(child.folder_id, self.selected_ids)):
! win32gui.SendMessage(self.list,
! commctrl.TVM_SELECTITEM,
! commctrl.TVGN_CARET, hitem)
def _DetermineFoldersToExpand(self):
*** 259,270 ****
return folders_to_expand
def _YieldChildren(self, h):
! h = self.list.GetNextItem(h, commctrl.TVGN_CHILD)
! except win32ui.error:
! h = None
! while h is not None:
! info = self.list.GetItem(h)
! spec = self.item_map[info[7]]
yield info, spec
# Check children
--- 305,326 ----
return folders_to_expand
+ def _GetLVItem(self, h):
+ text_buffer = "\0" * 1024
+ buffer, extra = PackTVITEM(h, 0, 0, text_buffer, None, None, None, -1)
+ win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_GETITEM,
+ 0, buffer.buffer_info()[0])
+ return UnpackLVITEM(buffer.tostring())
def _YieldChildren(self, h):
! h = win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_GETNEXTITEM,
! commctrl.TVGN_CHILD, h)
! except win32gui.error:
! h = 0
! while h:
! info = self._GetLVItem(h)
! item_param = info[-1]
! spec = self.item_map[item_param]
yield info, spec
# Check children
*** 272,277 ****
yield info, spec
! h = self.list.GetNextItem(h, commctrl.TVGN_NEXT)
! except win32ui.error:
h = None
--- 328,334 ----
yield info, spec
! h = win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_GETNEXTITEM,
! commctrl.TVGN_NEXT, h)
! except win32gui.error:
h = None
*** 284,291 ****
# selected state.
! h = self.list.GetSelectedItem()
! except win32ui.error:
! info = self.list.GetItem(h)
spec = self.item_map[info[7]]
yield info, spec
--- 341,349 ----
# selected state.
! h = win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_GETSELECTEDITEM,
! commctrl.TVGN_CARET, h)
! except win32gui.error:
! info = self._GetLVItem(h)
spec = self.item_map[info[7]]
yield info, spec
*** 297,337 ****
yield info, spec
! def OnInitDialog (self):
caption = "%s folder" % (self.select_desc_noun,)
if not self.single_select:
caption += "(s)"
! self.SetWindowText(caption)
! self.SetDlgItemText(IDC_BUTTON_SEARCHSUB, self.checkbox_text)
if self.checkbox_state is None:
! self.GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_SEARCHSUB).ShowWindow(win32con.SW_HIDE)
! self.GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_SEARCHSUB).SetCheck(self.checkbox_state)
! self.list = self.GetDlgItem(win32ui.IDC_LIST1)
! self.HookNotify(self.OnTreeItemExpanding, commctrl.TVN_ITEMEXPANDING)
! self.HookNotify(self.OnTreeItemSelChanged, commctrl.TVN_SELCHANGED)
! self.HookNotify(self.OnTreeItemClick, commctrl.NM_CLICK)
! self.HookNotify(self.OnTreeItemDoubleClick, commctrl.NM_DBLCLK)
! self.HookCommand(self.OnClearAll, IDC_BUTTON_CLEARALL)
! bitmapID = win32ui.IDB_HIERFOLDERS
bitmapMask = win32api.RGB(0,0,255)
! self.imageList = win32ui.CreateImageList(bitmapID, 16, 0, bitmapMask)
! self.list.SetImageList(self.imageList, commctrl.LVSIL_NORMAL)
if self.single_select:
# Remove the checkbox style from the list for single-selection
! style = win32api.GetWindowLong(self.list.GetSafeHwnd(),
style = style & ~commctrl.TVS_CHECKBOXES
! win32api.SetWindowLong(self.list.GetSafeHwnd(),
# Hide "clear all"
! self.GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_CLEARALL).ShowWindow(win32con.SW_HIDE)
# Extended MAPI version of the tree.
# Build list of all ids to expand - ie, list includes all
# selected folders, and all parents.
! win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1)
self.expand_ids = self._DetermineFoldersToExpand()
tree = BuildFolderTreeMAPI(self.manager.message_store.session, self.exclude_prop_ids)
--- 355,413 ----
yield info, spec
! def GetSelectedIDs(self):
! try:
! self.GetDlgItem("IDC_LIST_FOLDERS")
! except win32gui.error: # dialog dead!
! return self.selected_ids, self.checkbox_state
! ret = []
! for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
! ret.append(spec.folder_id)
! check = win32gui.SendMessage(self.GetDlgItem("IDC_BUT_SEARCHSUB"),
! win32con.BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0)
! return ret, check != 0
! # Message processing
! # def GetMessageMap(self):
! def OnInitDialog (self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
! FolderSelector_Parent.OnInitDialog(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
caption = "%s folder" % (self.select_desc_noun,)
if not self.single_select:
caption += "(s)"
! win32gui.SendMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_SETTEXT, 0, caption)
! self.SetDlgItemText("IDC_BUT_SEARCHSUB", self.checkbox_text)
! child = self.GetDlgItem("IDC_BUT_SEARCHSUB")
if self.checkbox_state is None:
! win32gui.ShowWindow(child, win32con.SW_HIDE)
! win32gui.SendMessage(child, win32con.BM_SETCHECK, self.checkbox_state)
! self.list = self.GetDlgItem("IDC_LIST_FOLDERS")
! fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "resources/folders.bmp")
bitmapMask = win32api.RGB(0,0,255)
! self.imageList = win32gui.ImageList_LoadImage(0, fname,
! 16, 0,
! bitmapMask,
! win32con.IMAGE_BITMAP,
! win32gui.SendMessage( self.list,
! commctrl.TVSIL_NORMAL, self.imageList )
if self.single_select:
# Remove the checkbox style from the list for single-selection
! style = win32api.GetWindowLong(self.list,
style = style & ~commctrl.TVS_CHECKBOXES
! win32api.SetWindowLong(self.list,
# Hide "clear all"
! child = self.GetDlgItem("IDC_BUT_CLEARALL")
! win32gui.ShowWindow(child, win32con.SW_HIDE)
# Extended MAPI version of the tree.
# Build list of all ids to expand - ie, list includes all
# selected folders, and all parents.
! dlgutils.SetWaitCursor(1)
self.expand_ids = self._DetermineFoldersToExpand()
tree = BuildFolderTreeMAPI(self.manager.message_store.session, self.exclude_prop_ids)
*** 340,358 ****
self.expand_ids = [] # Only use this while creating dialog.
! win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0)
- return dialog.Dialog.OnInitDialog (self)
! def OnDestroy(self, msg):
self.item_map = None
! return dialog.Dialog.OnDestroy(self, msg)
! def OnClearAll(self, id, code):
if code == win32con.BN_CLICKED:
! for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
! mask = commctrl.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK
! self.list.SetItemState(info[0], state, mask)
! self._UpdateStatus()
def _DoUpdateStatus(self, id, timeval):
--- 416,453 ----
self.expand_ids = [] # Only use this while creating dialog.
! dlgutils.SetWaitCursor(0)
! def OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
! import timer
! if self.timer_id is not None:
! timer.kill_timer(self.timer_id)
self.item_map = None
! win32gui.ImageList_Destroy(self.imageList)
! FolderSelector_Parent.OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
! def OnCommand(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
! FolderSelector_Parent.OnCommand(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
! id = win32api.LOWORD(wparam)
! id_name = self._GetIDName(id)
! code = win32api.HIWORD(wparam)
if code == win32con.BN_CLICKED:
! # Button clicks
! if id == win32con.IDOK:
! self.selected_ids, self.checkbox_state = self.GetSelectedIDs()
! win32gui.EndDialog(hwnd, id)
! elif id == win32con.IDCANCEL:
! win32gui.EndDialog(hwnd, id)
! elif id_name == "IDC_BUT_CLEARALL":
! for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
! mask = commctrl.TVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK
! buf, extra = PackTVITEM(info[0], state, mask,
! None, None, None, None, None)
! win32gui.SendMessage(self.list, commctrl.TVM_SETITEM,
! 0, buf)
! self._UpdateStatus()
def _DoUpdateStatus(self, id, timeval):
*** 370,428 ****
if num_checked != 1:
status_string += "s"
! self.SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS1, status_string)
! self.SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS2, "; ".join(names))
import timer
def _UpdateStatus(self):
import timer
! timer.set_timer (0, self._DoUpdateStatus)
! def OnOK(self):
! self.selected_ids, self.checkbox_state = self.GetSelectedIDs()
! return self._obj_.OnOK()
! def OnCancel(self):
! return self._obj_.OnCancel()
! def OnTreeItemDoubleClick(self,(hwndFrom, idFrom, code), extra):
! if idFrom != IDC_LIST_FOLDERS: return None
! if self.single_select: # Only close on double-click for single-select
! self.OnOK()
! return 0
! def OnTreeItemClick(self,(hwndFrom, idFrom, code), extra):
! if idFrom != IDC_LIST_FOLDERS: return None
! self._UpdateStatus()
! return 0
! def OnTreeItemExpanding(self,(hwndFrom, idFrom, code), extra):
! if idFrom != IDC_LIST_FOLDERS: return None
! action, itemOld, itemNew, pt = extra
! if action == 1: return 0 # contracting, not expanding
! itemHandle = itemNew[0]
! info = self.list.GetItem(itemHandle)
! folderSpec = self.item_map[info[7]]
! if folderSpec.children is None:
! folderSpec.children = _BuildFoldersMAPI(self.manager, folderSpec)
! self._InsertSubFolders(itemHandle, folderSpec)
! return 0
! def OnTreeItemSelChanged(self,(hwndFrom, idFrom, code), extra):
! if idFrom != IDC_LIST_FOLDERS: return None
! action, itemOld, itemNew, pt = extra
! self._UpdateStatus()
! return 1
! def GetSelectedIDs(self):
! try:
! self.GetDlgItem(IDC_LIST_FOLDERS)
! except win32ui.error: # dialog dead!
! return self.selected_ids, self.checkbox_state
! ret = []
! for info, spec in self._YieldCheckedChildren():
! ret.append(spec.folder_id)
! return ret, self.GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON_SEARCHSUB).GetCheck() != 0
def Test():
--- 465,506 ----
if num_checked != 1:
status_string += "s"
! self.SetDlgItemText("IDC_STATUS1", status_string)
! self.SetDlgItemText("IDC_STATUS2", "; ".join(names))
import timer
+ self.timer_id = None
def _UpdateStatus(self):
import timer
! if self.timer_id is not None:
! timer.kill_timer(self.timer_id)
! self.timer_id = timer.set_timer (0, self._DoUpdateStatus)
! def OnNotify(self, msg, hwnd, wparam, lparam):
! FolderSelector_Parent.OnNotify(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam)
! format = "iii"
! buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(format), lparam)
! hwndFrom, id, code = struct.unpack(format, buf)
! code += 0x4f0000 # hrm - wtf - commctrl uses this, and it works with mfc. *sigh*
! id_name = self._GetIDName(id)
! if id_name == "IDC_LIST_FOLDERS":
! if code == commctrl.NM_CLICK:
! self._UpdateStatus()
! elif code == commctrl.NM_DBLCLK:
! if self.single_select: # Only close on double-click for single-select
! self.OnOK()
! elif code == commctrl.TVN_ITEMEXPANDING:
! ignore, ignore, ignore, action, itemOld, itemNew = \
! UnpackLVNOTIFY(lparam)
! if action == 1: return 0 # contracting, not expanding
! itemHandle = itemNew[0]
! info = itemNew
! folderSpec = self.item_map[info[7]]
! if folderSpec.children is None:
! folderSpec.children = _BuildFoldersMAPI(self.manager, folderSpec)
! self._InsertSubFolders(itemHandle, folderSpec)
! elif code == commctrl.TVN_SELCHANGED:
! self._UpdateStatus()
def Test():
*** 430,438 ****
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")))
import manager
ids = []
! d=FolderSelector(manager.GetManager(), ids, single_select = False)
! d.DoModal()
ids, include_sub = d.GetSelectedIDs()
! d=FolderSelector(manager.GetManager(), ids, single_select = False)
--- 508,523 ----
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..")))
import manager
+ mgr = manager.GetManager()
+ if mgr.dialog_parser is None:
+ import dialogs
+ mgr.dialog_parser = dialogs.LoadDialogs()
ids = []
! d=FolderSelector(0, mgr, ids, single_select = False)
! if d.DoModal() != win32con.IDOK:
! print "Cancelled"
! return
ids, include_sub = d.GetSelectedIDs()
! d=FolderSelector(0, mgr, ids, single_select = False, checkbox_state = include_sub)
Index: __init__.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/__init__.py,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** __init__.py 19 Oct 2002 18:14:01 -0000 1.2
--- __init__.py 10 Aug 2003 07:26:49 -0000 1.3
*** 1,2 ****
--- 1,29 ----
# This package defines dialog boxes used by the main
# SpamBayes Outlook 2k integration code.
+ def LoadDialogs(rc_file = "dialogs.rc"):
+ import os
+ from resources import rcparser
+ if not os.path.isabs(rc_file):
+ rc_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( rcparser.__file__ ), rc_file)
+ return rcparser.ParseDialogs(rc_file)
+ def ShowDialog(parent, manager, idd):
+ """Displays another dialog"""
+ if manager.dialog_parser is None:
+ manager.dialog_parser = LoadDialogs()
+ import dialog_map
+ commands = dialog_map.dialog_map[idd]
+ if not parent:
+ import win32gui
+ try:
+ parent = win32gui.GetActiveWindow()
+ except win32gui.error:
+ pass
+ import dlgcore
+ dlg = dlgcore.ProcessorDialog(parent, manager, idd, commands)
+ dlg.DoModal()
+ import dlgutils
+ SetWaitCursor = dlgutils.SetWaitCursor
--- AsyncDialog.py DELETED ---
--- DialogGlobals.py DELETED ---
--- FilterDialog.py DELETED ---
--- ManagerDialog.py DELETED ---
--- TrainingDialog.py DELETED ---
- Previous message: [Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000 about.html, 1.18,
1.19 addin.py, 1.90, 1.91 manager.py, 1.69, 1.70 train.py,
1.27, 1.28
- Next message: [Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/resources
.cvsignore, 1.1, 1.2 __init__.py, 1.1, 1.2 dialogs.h, 1.1,
1.2 dialogs.rc, 1.1, 1.2 folders.bmp, 1.1, 1.2 rc2py.py, 1.1,
1.2 rcparser.py, 1.1, 1.2
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