[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes pop3proxy.py,1.89,1.90
Tony Meyer
anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Aug 17 22:52:56 EDT 2003
Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv19275
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Provide a simpler interface to pop3proxy, primarily for the windows service,
but should also be useful for any other users.
Adjust pop3proxy_service to use these, which also means that it will
kick of smtpproxy (if applicable), unlike previously.
Index: pop3proxy.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/pop3proxy.py,v
retrieving revision 1.89
retrieving revision 1.90
diff -C2 -d -r1.89 -r1.90
*** pop3proxy.py 28 Jul 2003 20:13:55 -0000 1.89
--- pop3proxy.py 18 Aug 2003 04:52:53 -0000 1.90
*** 94,97 ****
--- 94,98 ----
from email.Header import Header
+ import smtpproxy
import spambayes.message
from spambayes import Dibbler
*** 607,614 ****
options["pop3proxy", "persistent_storage_file"] = \
'_pop3proxy_test.pickle' # This is never saved.
! filename = options["pop3proxy", "persistent_storage_file"]
filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
if self.useDB:
! self.bayes = storage.DBDictClassifier(filename)
self.bayes = storage.PickledClassifier(filename)
--- 608,626 ----
options["pop3proxy", "persistent_storage_file"] = \
'_pop3proxy_test.pickle' # This is never saved.
! filename = options["Storage", "persistent_storage_file"]
filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
if self.useDB:
! if '::' in filename:
! sql_types = {"pgsql" : storage.PGClassifier,
! "mysql" : storage.mySQLClassifier,
! }
! sql_type, rest = filename.split('::', 1)
! if sql_types.has_key(sql_type.lower()):
! self.bayes = sql_types[sql_type.lower()](filename)
! else:
! # yikes! raise some sort of NoSuchClassifierError
! pass
! else:
! self.bayes = storage.DBDictClassifier(filename)
self.bayes = storage.PickledClassifier(filename)
*** 728,731 ****
--- 740,764 ----
+ def prepare(state):
+ # Do whatever we've been asked to do...
+ state.createWorkers()
+ # Launch any SMTP proxies. Note that if the user hasn't specified any
+ # SMTP proxy information in their configuration, then nothing will
+ # happen.
+ servers, proxyPorts = smtpproxy.LoadServerInfo()
+ smtpproxy.CreateProxies(servers, proxyPorts, state)
+ # setup info for the web interface
+ state.buildServerStrings()
+ def start(state):
+ # kick everything off
+ main(state.servers, state.proxyPorts, state.uiPort, state.launchUI)
+ def stop(state):
+ state.bayes.store()
+ # should we be calling socket.shutdown(2) and close() for each
+ # BayesProxy object?
# ===================================================================
*** 767,781 ****
print "and engine %s.\n" % (get_version_string(),)
! # Do whatever we've been asked to do...
! state.createWorkers()
! # Launch any SMTP proxies. This was once an option, but
! # is now always carried out - if the user hasn't specified any
! # SMTP proxy information in their configuration, then nothing
! # will happen anyway, and this is much clearer for documentation.
! from smtpproxy import LoadServerInfo, CreateProxies
! servers, proxyPorts = LoadServerInfo()
! CreateProxies(servers, proxyPorts, state)
! LoadServerInfo()
if 0 <= len(args) <= 2:
--- 800,804 ----
print "and engine %s.\n" % (get_version_string(),)
! prepare(state=state)
if 0 <= len(args) <= 2:
*** 786,791 ****
state.servers = [(args[0], int(args[1]))]
! state.buildServerStrings()
! main(state.servers, state.proxyPorts, state.uiPort, state.launchUI)
--- 809,813 ----
state.servers = [(args[0], int(args[1]))]
! start(state=state)
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