[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs dialog_map.py, 1.5, 1.6 dlgcore.py, 1.4, 1.5

Adam Walker xenogeist at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Aug 18 07:31:56 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv26085/Outlook2000/dialogs

Modified Files:
	dialog_map.py dlgcore.py 
Log Message:
Changed the property pages to change styles at runtime so we can put the captions in the rc file and removed the caption_map hack. Recombined the filter pages. Moved two options to a seperate diagnosic dialog.

Index: dialog_map.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/dialog_map.py,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -C2 -d -r1.5 -r1.6
*** dialog_map.py	18 Aug 2003 04:25:29 -0000	1.5
--- dialog_map.py	18 Aug 2003 13:31:53 -0000	1.6
*** 159,165 ****
          self.currentPage = None
          self.currentPageIndex = -1
!         self.currentPageHwnd = None
          for index, page_id in enumerate(self.page_ids):
!             self.addPage(index, page_id, caption_map[page_id])
      def OnNotify(self, nmhdr, wparam, lparam):
--- 159,166 ----
          self.currentPage = None
          self.currentPageIndex = -1
!         self.currentPageHwnd = None        
          for index, page_id in enumerate(self.page_ids):
!             template = self.window.manager.dialog_parser.dialogs[page_id]
!             self.addPage(index, page_id, template[0][0])
      def OnNotify(self, nmhdr, wparam, lparam):
*** 229,244 ****
  import filter, train
- # This sucks a little, but the captions for the dialogs aren't in the
- # rc script for property pages.
- # A human language map may also be nice :)
- caption_map = {
-     "IDD_GENERAL" : "General",
-     "IDD_TRAINING": "Training",
-     "IDD_FILTER_SPAM": "Spam",
-     "IDD_FILTER_UNSURE": "Possible Spam",
-     "IDD_FILTER_NOW": "Filter Now",
-     "IDD_ADVANCED": "Advanced",
- }
  dialog_map = {
      "IDD_MANAGER" : (
--- 230,233 ----
*** 246,256 ****
          (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
          (TabProcessor,            "IDC_TAB",
!                                   """IDD_GENERAL IDD_TRAINING IDD_FILTER_SPAM
!                                   IDD_FILTER_UNSURE IDD_FILTER_NOW
-         (VersionStringProcessor,  "IDC_VERSION"),
          (CommandButtonProcessor,  "IDC_ABOUT_BTN", ShowAbout, ()),
      "IDD_GENERAL": (
          (TrainingStatusProcessor, "IDC_TRAINING_STATUS"),
          (FilterEnableProcessor,   "IDC_BUT_FILTER_ENABLE", "Filter.enabled"),
--- 235,245 ----
          (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
          (TabProcessor,            "IDC_TAB",
!                                   """IDD_GENERAL IDD_TRAINING IDD_FILTER
!                                   IDD_FILTER_NOW
          (CommandButtonProcessor,  "IDC_ABOUT_BTN", ShowAbout, ()),
      "IDD_GENERAL": (
+         (VersionStringProcessor,  "IDC_VERSION"),
          (TrainingStatusProcessor, "IDC_TRAINING_STATUS"),
          (FilterEnableProcessor,   "IDC_BUT_FILTER_ENABLE", "Filter.enabled"),
*** 264,268 ****
          (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_NOW", "IDD_TRAINING"),
          (DialogCommand,           "IDC_ADVANCED_BTN", "IDD_ADVANCED"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_SAVE_SPAM_SCORE",    "Filter.save_spam_info"),
      "IDD_FILTER_NOW" : (
--- 253,256 ----
*** 279,283 ****
                                    "IDC_BUT_ACT_SCORE IDC_BUT_ACT_ALL"),
!     "IDD_FILTER_SPAM" : (
          (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_WATCH IDC_BROWSE_WATCH",
--- 267,271 ----
                                    "IDC_BUT_ACT_SCORE IDC_BUT_ACT_ALL"),
!     "IDD_FILTER" : (
          (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_WATCH IDC_BROWSE_WATCH",
*** 289,294 ****
          (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_MARK_SPAM_AS_READ",    "Filter.spam_mark_as_read"),
-         ),
          (FolderIDProcessor,       "IDC_FOLDER_UNSURE IDC_BROWSE_UNSURE",
--- 277,280 ----
*** 314,318 ****
      "IDD_ADVANCED" : (
-         (IntProcessor,   "IDC_VERBOSE_LOG",  "General.verbose"),
          (MsSliderProcessor,   "IDC_DELAY1_TEXT IDC_DELAY1_SLIDER", "Experimental.timer_start_delay"),
          (MsSliderProcessor,   "IDC_DELAY2_TEXT IDC_DELAY2_SLIDER", "Experimental.timer_interval"),
--- 300,303 ----
*** 320,323 ****
--- 305,313 ----
          (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_DEL_SPAM_RS", "General.delete_as_spam_message_state"),
          (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_RECOVER_RS", "General.recover_from_spam_message_state"),
+         ),
+     "IDD_DIAGNOSIC" : (
+         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_SAVE_SPAM_SCORE",    "Filter.save_spam_info"),
+         (IntProcessor,   "IDC_VERBOSE_LOG",  "General.verbose"),
+         (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),

Index: dlgcore.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/dlgcore.py,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -C2 -d -r1.4 -r1.5
*** dlgcore.py	17 Aug 2003 21:14:37 -0000	1.4
--- dlgcore.py	18 Aug 2003 13:31:53 -0000	1.5
*** 300,303 ****
--- 300,306 ----
          # modeless. Pages should have the WS_CHILD window style
          message_map = self.GetMessageMap()
+         # remove frame from dialog and make sure it is a child
+         self.template[0][2] = self.template[0][2] & ~(win32con.DS_MODALFRAME|win32con.WS_POPUP|win32con.WS_OVERLAPPED|win32con.WS_CAPTION)
+         self.template[0][2] = self.template[0][2] | win32con.WS_CHILD
          return win32gui.CreateDialogIndirect(self.hinst, self.template, self.parent, message_map)

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