[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs dialog_map.py, 1.16, 1.17

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Aug 24 00:38:23 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv16477

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Changes to the main dialogs.  Cleanup the "General" tab alot, and move
the Logo to this page only - this frees up alot of space on the other tabs.

Adam - if you see this, can you please check in a new resized logo?

Index: dialog_map.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/dialog_map.py,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -C2 -d -r1.16 -r1.17
*** dialog_map.py	24 Aug 2003 03:05:16 -0000	1.16
--- dialog_map.py	24 Aug 2003 06:38:21 -0000	1.17
*** 316,323 ****
  dialog_map = {
      "IDD_MANAGER" : (
-         (ImageProcessor,          "IDC_LOGO_GRAPHIC"),
          (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
          (TabProcessor,            "IDC_TAB",
!                                   """IDD_GENERAL IDD_TRAINING IDD_FILTER
--- 316,322 ----
  dialog_map = {
      "IDD_MANAGER" : (
          (CloseButtonProcessor,    "IDOK IDCANCEL"),
          (TabProcessor,            "IDC_TAB",
!                                   """IDD_GENERAL IDD_FILTER IDD_TRAINING 
*** 325,336 ****
      "IDD_GENERAL": (
          (VersionStringProcessor,  "IDC_VERSION"),
          (TrainingStatusProcessor, "IDC_TRAINING_STATUS"),
          (FilterEnableProcessor,   "IDC_BUT_FILTER_ENABLE", "Filter.enabled"),
          (FilterStatusProcessor,   "IDC_FILTER_STATUS"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_FROM_SPAM_FOLDER",
-                                   "Training.train_recovered_spam"),
-         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_TO_SPAM_FOLDER",
-                                   "Training.train_manual_spam"),
          (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_NOW", "IDD_FILTER_NOW"),
          (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_DEFINE", "IDD_FILTER"),
--- 324,332 ----
      "IDD_GENERAL": (
+         (ImageProcessor,          "IDC_LOGO_GRAPHIC"),
          (VersionStringProcessor,  "IDC_VERSION"),
          (TrainingStatusProcessor, "IDC_TRAINING_STATUS"),
          (FilterEnableProcessor,   "IDC_BUT_FILTER_ENABLE", "Filter.enabled"),
          (FilterStatusProcessor,   "IDC_FILTER_STATUS"),
          (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_NOW", "IDD_FILTER_NOW"),
          (DialogCommand,           "IDC_BUT_FILTER_DEFINE", "IDD_FILTER"),
*** 384,387 ****
--- 380,392 ----
                                    "IDOK IDCANCEL IDC_BROWSE_HAM IDC_BROWSE_SPAM " \
                                    "IDC_BUT_REBUILD IDC_BUT_RESCORE"),
+         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_FROM_SPAM_FOLDER",
+                                   "Training.train_recovered_spam"),
+         (BoolButtonProcessor,     "IDC_BUT_TRAIN_TO_SPAM_FOLDER",
+                                   "Training.train_manual_spam"),
+         (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_DEL_SPAM_RS", "General.delete_as_spam_message_state",
+          "not change the message,mark the message as read,mark the message as unread"),
+         (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_RECOVER_RS", "General.recover_from_spam_message_state",
+          "not change the message,mark the message as read,mark the message as unread"),
      "IDD_ADVANCED" : (
*** 389,396 ****
          (MsSliderProcessor,   "IDC_DELAY2_TEXT IDC_DELAY2_SLIDER", "Experimental.timer_interval"),
          (BoolButtonProcessor,   "IDC_INBOX_TIMER_ONLY", "Experimental.timer_only_receive_folders"),
-         (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_DEL_SPAM_RS", "General.delete_as_spam_message_state",
-          "make no change to the read state,mark as read,mark as unread"),
-         (ComboProcessor,          "IDC_RECOVER_RS", "General.recover_from_spam_message_state",
-          "make no change to the read state,mark as read,mark as unread"),
          (HiddenDialogCommand,           "IDC_HIDDEN", "IDD_DIAGNOSIC"),
--- 394,397 ----

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