[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/resources dialogs.rc, 1.17, 1.18

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Aug 24 07:23:33 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/resources
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv31629

Modified Files:
Log Message:
More dialog tweaks.

Index: dialogs.rc
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/dialogs/resources/dialogs.rc,v
retrieving revision 1.17
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -C2 -d -r1.17 -r1.18
*** dialogs.rc	24 Aug 2003 12:01:52 -0000	1.17
--- dialogs.rc	24 Aug 2003 13:23:31 -0000	1.18
*** 57,62 ****
  FONT 8, "Tahoma", 400, 0, 0x0
!     DEFPUSHBUTTON   "OK",IDOK,158,239,50,14
!     PUSHBUTTON      "Cancel",IDCANCEL,216,239,50,14
      CONTROL         "",IDC_TAB,"SysTabControl32",0x0,8,7,258,228
      PUSHBUTTON      "About",IDC_ABOUT_BTN,9,239,50,14
--- 57,62 ----
  FONT 8, "Tahoma", 400, 0, 0x0
!     DEFPUSHBUTTON   "Close",IDOK,216,239,50,14
!     PUSHBUTTON      "Cancel",IDCANCEL,155,239,50,14,NOT WS_VISIBLE
      CONTROL         "",IDC_TAB,"SysTabControl32",0x0,8,7,258,228
      PUSHBUTTON      "About",IDC_ABOUT_BTN,9,239,50,14
*** 280,284 ****
      LTEXT           "Congratulations",IDC_STATIC,20,4,247,14
      LTEXT           "SpamBayes has been successfully trained and configured.  You should find the system is immediately effective at filtering spam.",
!                     IDC_STATIC,20,42,247,25
      LTEXT           "Even though SpamBayes has been trained, it does continue to learn - please ensure you regularly check your Unsure folder, and use the 'Delete as Spam' or 'Recover from Spam' buttons as appropriate.",
--- 280,284 ----
      LTEXT           "Congratulations",IDC_STATIC,20,4,247,14
      LTEXT           "SpamBayes has been successfully trained and configured.  You should find the system is immediately effective at filtering spam.",
!                     IDC_TRAINING_STATUS,20,35,247,26
      LTEXT           "Even though SpamBayes has been trained, it does continue to learn - please ensure you regularly check your Unsure folder, and use the 'Delete as Spam' or 'Recover from Spam' buttons as appropriate.",
*** 476,491 ****
      LTEXT           "SpamBayes Version Here",IDC_VERSION,6,58,242,8
      LTEXT           "SpamBayes requires training before it is effective.  Click on the 'Training' tab, or use the Configuration Wizard to train",
!                     IDC_STATIC,6,86,222,17
!     LTEXT           "Training database status:",IDC_STATIC,6,108,222,8
!     CONTROL         "123 spam messages; 456 good messages",
!                     IDC_TRAINING_STATUS,"Static",SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP | 
!                     SS_CENTERIMAGE | SS_SUNKEN | WS_GROUP,6,119,242,14
      CONTROL         "Enable SpamBayes",IDC_BUT_FILTER_ENABLE,"Button",
!                     BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,6,174,97,11
      LTEXT           "Certain spam is moved to Folder1\nPossible spam is moved too",
!                     IDC_FILTER_STATUS,6,148,242,19,SS_SUNKEN
      PUSHBUTTON      "Reset Configuration...",IDC_BUT_RESET,6,190,84,15
      PUSHBUTTON      "Configuration Wizard...",IDC_BUT_WIZARD,164,190,84,15
!     LTEXT           "Filtering Status",IDC_STATIC,6,138,222,8
      CONTROL         1062,IDC_LOGO_GRAPHIC,"Static",SS_BITMAP | 
--- 476,490 ----
      LTEXT           "SpamBayes Version Here",IDC_VERSION,6,58,242,8
      LTEXT           "SpamBayes requires training before it is effective.  Click on the 'Training' tab, or use the Configuration Wizard to train",
!                     IDC_STATIC,6,85,222,17
!     LTEXT           "Training database status:",IDC_STATIC,6,106,222,8
!     LTEXT           "123 spam messages; 456 good messages",
!                     IDC_TRAINING_STATUS,6,116,242,19,SS_SUNKEN
      CONTROL         "Enable SpamBayes",IDC_BUT_FILTER_ENABLE,"Button",
!                     BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,6,175,97,11
      LTEXT           "Certain spam is moved to Folder1\nPossible spam is moved too",
!                     IDC_FILTER_STATUS,6,150,242,19,SS_SUNKEN
      PUSHBUTTON      "Reset Configuration...",IDC_BUT_RESET,6,190,84,15
      PUSHBUTTON      "Configuration Wizard...",IDC_BUT_WIZARD,164,190,84,15
!     LTEXT           "Filter status:",IDC_STATIC,6,140,222,8
      CONTROL         1062,IDC_LOGO_GRAPHIC,"Static",SS_BITMAP | 

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