[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes smtpproxy.py,1.8,1.9
Tony Meyer
anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Aug 24 19:40:42 EDT 2003
Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv10815
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Big changes to smtpproxy. It should now work either like it did before (finding
a message id and looking it up in the pop3proxy cache), but also work with
imapfilter, and also work without the whole id lookup business, training on the
raw text forwarded (you obviously want to make sure that you haven't
contaminated the message before you do this).
Index: smtpproxy.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/smtpproxy.py,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -C2 -d -r1.8 -r1.9
*** smtpproxy.py 13 Aug 2003 23:10:49 -0000 1.8
--- smtpproxy.py 25 Aug 2003 01:40:40 -0000 1.9
*** 1,13 ****
#!/usr/bin/env python
! """A SMTP proxy that works with pop3proxy.py, and monitors mail
! sent to two particular addresses. Mail to these addresses is blocked,
! a spambayes id is extracted from them, and the original messages are
! trained on (from the Corpus cache). You point smtpproxy at your SMTP
! server, and configure your email client to send mail through the proxy
! then forward/bounce any incorrectly classified messages to the ham/spam
! training address. To use, run pop3proxy and enter appropriate values for
! the smtp proxy options. All options are found in the [pop3proxy] and
! [smtpproxy] sections of the configuration file.
--- 1,49 ----
#!/usr/bin/env python
! """A SMTP proxy to train a Spambayes database.
! You point SMTP Proxy at your SMTP server(s) and configure your email
! client(s) to send mail through the proxy (i.e. usually this means you use
! localhost as the outgoing server).
! To setup, enter appropriate values in your Spambayes configuration file in
! the "SMTP Proxy" section (in particular: "remote_servers", "listen_ports",
! and "use_cached_message"). This configuration can also be carried out via
! the web user interface offered by POP3 Proxy and IMAP Filter.
! To use, simply forward/bounce mail that you wish to train to the
! appropriate address (defaults to spambayes_spam at localhost and
! spambayes_ham at localhost). All other mail is sent normally.
! (Note that IMAP Filter and POP3 Proxy users should not execute this script;
! launching of SMTP Proxy will be taken care of by those applicatons).
! There are two main forms of operation. With both, mail to two
! (user-configurable) email addresses is intercepted by the proxy (and is
! *not* sent to the SMTP server) and used as training data for a Spambayes
! database. All other mail is simply relayed to the SMTP server.
! If the "use_cached_message" option is False, the proxy uses the message
! sent as training data. This option is suitable for those not using
! POP3 Proxy or IMAP Filter, or for those that are confident that their
! mailer will forward/bounce messages in an unaltered form.
! If the "use_cached_message" option is True, the proxy examines the message
! for a unique spambayes identification number. It then tries to find this
! message in the pop3proxy caches and on the imap servers. It then retrieves
! the message from the cache/server and uses *this* as the training data.
! This method is suitable for those using POP3 Proxy and/or IMAP Filter, and
! avoids any potential problems with the mailer altering messages before
! forwarding/bouncing them.
! Usage:
! smtpproxy [options]
! note: option values with spaces must be enclosed in double quotes
! options:
! -d dbname : pickled training database filename
! -D dbname : dbm training database filename
! -h : help
! -v : verbose mode
*** 34,51 ****
these lines back in September '02.
- o It would be nice if the proxy could email a confirmation message
- back to the mail client. Something along the lines of "yes, I
- trained message id xxx with subject xxx as sp/ham". This would
- be an option, of course, and it would be nice to be able to set
- it to be sent every time, or as a x days/hours digest.
- o Clean up the above documentation ;)
- o We could change things so that if this script is executed, then
- the proxy operates independantly of pop3proxy. The options would be
- the same, but instead of extracting an id and using that to find a
- message in pop3proxy's cache, it trains on the text of whatever is
- sent to it. This (hopefully) will allow use by mailers like procmail.
o Suggestions?
--- 70,73 ----
*** 106,126 ****
from spambayes import Dibbler
! from spambayes.tokenizer import get_message, textparts
from spambayes.tokenizer import try_to_repair_damaged_base64
from spambayes.Options import options
from pop3proxy import _addressPortStr, ServerLineReader
from pop3proxy import _addressAndPort, proxyListeners
- import string, re
- import socket, asyncore, asynchat
class SMTPProxyBase(Dibbler.BrighterAsyncChat):
"""An async dispatcher that understands SMTP and proxies to a SMTP
server, calling `self.onTransaction(command, args)` for each
! transaction. self.onTransaction() should
! return the command to pass to the proxied server - the command
! can be the verbatim command or a processed version of it. The
! special command 'KILL' kills it (passing a 'QUIT' command to the
! server).
--- 128,158 ----
+ import string
+ import re
+ import socket
+ import asyncore
+ import asynchat
+ import getopt
+ import sys
+ import os
from spambayes import Dibbler
! from spambayes import storage
! from spambayes.message import message_from_string
! from spambayes.tokenizer import textparts
from spambayes.tokenizer import try_to_repair_damaged_base64
from spambayes.Options import options
from pop3proxy import _addressPortStr, ServerLineReader
from pop3proxy import _addressAndPort, proxyListeners
class SMTPProxyBase(Dibbler.BrighterAsyncChat):
"""An async dispatcher that understands SMTP and proxies to a SMTP
server, calling `self.onTransaction(command, args)` for each
! transaction.
! self.onTransaction() should return the command to pass to
! the proxied server - the command can be the verbatim command or a
! processed version of it. The special command 'KILL' kills it (passing
! a 'QUIT' command to the server).
*** 139,153 ****
def onTransaction(self, command, args):
! """Overide this. Takes the raw command and
! returns the (possibly processed) command to pass to the
! email client.
! """
raise NotImplementedError
def onProcessData(self, data):
! """Overide this. Takes the raw data and
! returns the (possibly processed) data to pass back to the
! email client.
! """
raise NotImplementedError
--- 171,181 ----
def onTransaction(self, command, args):
! """Overide this. Takes the raw command and returns the (possibly
! processed) command to pass to the email client."""
raise NotImplementedError
def onProcessData(self, data):
! """Overide this. Takes the raw data and returns the (possibly
! processed) data to pass back to the email client."""
raise NotImplementedError
*** 179,185 ****
# A proper command.
- # some commands (MAIL FROM and RCPT TO) split on ':'
- # others (HELO, RSET, ...) split on ' '
- # is there a nicer way of doing this?
if self.request[:10].upper() == "MAIL FROM:":
splitCommand = self.request.strip().split(":", 1)
--- 207,210 ----
*** 205,208 ****
--- 230,238 ----
if cooked is not None:
self.serverSocket.push(cooked + '\r\n')
+ if options["globals", "verbose"]:
+ # XXX debugging information
+ # XXX remove this once the problems are sorted out
+ print "pulled", self.request
+ print "pushed", cooked + '\r\n'
self.command = self.args = self.request = ''
*** 221,230 ****
class BayesSMTPProxyListener(Dibbler.Listener):
"""Listens for incoming email client connections and spins off
! BayesSMTPProxy objects to serve them.
! """
! def __init__(self, serverName, serverPort, proxyPort, state):
! proxyArgs = (serverName, serverPort, state)
! Dibbler.Listener.__init__(self, proxyPort, BayesSMTPProxy, proxyArgs)
print 'SMTP Listener on port %s is proxying %s:%d' % \
(_addressPortStr(proxyPort), serverName, serverPort)
--- 251,260 ----
class BayesSMTPProxyListener(Dibbler.Listener):
"""Listens for incoming email client connections and spins off
! BayesSMTPProxy objects to serve them."""
! def __init__(self, serverName, serverPort, proxyPort, trainer):
! proxyArgs = (serverName, serverPort, trainer)
! Dibbler.Listener.__init__(self, proxyPort, BayesSMTPProxy,
! proxyArgs)
print 'SMTP Listener on port %s is proxying %s:%d' % \
(_addressPortStr(proxyPort), serverName, serverPort)
*** 235,266 ****
judgement headers. It acts on the following SMTP commands:
- o HELO:
- o RSET:
- o QUIT:
- o These all just forward the verbatim command to the proxied
- server for processing.
! o Checks if the recipient address matches the key ham, spam
! or shutdown addresses, and if so notes this and does not
! forward a command to the proxied server. In all other cases
! simply passes on the verbatim command.
o Notes that we are in the data section. If (from the RCPT TO
information) we are receiving a ham/spam message to train on,
! then do not forward the command on. Otherwise forward
! verbatim.
! def __init__(self, clientSocket, serverName, serverPort, state):
SMTPProxyBase.__init__(self, clientSocket, serverName, serverPort)
! self.handlers = {'HELO': self.onHelo, 'RCPT TO': self.onRcptTo,
! 'MAIL FROM': self.onMailFrom, 'RSET': self.onRset,
! 'QUIT': self.onQuit, 'DATA': self.onData}
! self.state = state
! self.state.totalSessions += 1
! self.state.activeSessions += 1
self.isClosed = False
self.train_as_ham = False
--- 265,287 ----
judgement headers. It acts on the following SMTP commands:
! o Checks if the recipient address matches the key ham or spam
! addresses, and if so notes this and does not forward a command to
! the proxied server. In all other cases simply passes on the
! verbatim command.
o Notes that we are in the data section. If (from the RCPT TO
information) we are receiving a ham/spam message to train on,
! then do not forward the command on. Otherwise forward verbatim.
! Any other commands are merely passed on verbatim to the server.
! def __init__(self, clientSocket, serverName, serverPort, trainer):
SMTPProxyBase.__init__(self, clientSocket, serverName, serverPort)
! self.handlers = {'RCPT TO': self.onRcptTo, 'DATA': self.onData,
! 'MAIL FROM': self.onMailFrom}
! self.trainer = trainer
self.isClosed = False
self.train_as_ham = False
*** 276,288 ****
- def recv(self, size):
- data = SMTPProxyBase.recv(self, size)
- return data
def close(self):
# This can be called multiple times by async.
if not self.isClosed:
self.isClosed = True
- self.state.activeSessions -= 1
--- 297,304 ----
*** 300,307 ****
def splitTo(self, address):
! """
! Return 'address' as undressed (host, fulladdress) tuple.
! Handy for use with TO: addresses.
! """
start = string.index(address, '<') + 1
sep = string.index(address, '@') + 1
--- 316,321 ----
def splitTo(self, address):
! """Return 'address' as undressed (host, fulladdress) tuple.
! Handy for use with TO: addresses."""
start = string.index(address, '<') + 1
sep = string.index(address, '@') + 1
*** 315,343 ****
def onProcessData(self, data):
if self.train_as_spam:
! self.train(data, True)
self.train_as_spam = False
return ""
elif self.train_as_ham:
! self.train(data, False)
self.train_as_ham = False
return ""
return data
- def onHelo(self, command, args):
- rv = command
- for arg in args:
- rv += ' ' + arg
- return rv
- def onMailFrom(self, command, args):
- rv = command + ':'
- for arg in args:
- rv += ' ' + arg
- return rv
def onRcptTo(self, command, args):
toHost, toFull = self.splitTo(args[0])
if toFull == options["smtpproxy", "spam_address"]:
self.train_as_spam = True
self.blockData = True
self.push("250 OK\r\n")
--- 329,346 ----
def onProcessData(self, data):
if self.train_as_spam:
! self.trainer.train(data, True)
self.train_as_spam = False
return ""
elif self.train_as_ham:
! self.trainer.train(data, False)
self.train_as_ham = False
return ""
return data
def onRcptTo(self, command, args):
toHost, toFull = self.splitTo(args[0])
if toFull == options["smtpproxy", "spam_address"]:
self.train_as_spam = True
+ self.train_as_ham = False
self.blockData = True
self.push("250 OK\r\n")
*** 345,348 ****
--- 348,352 ----
elif toFull == options["smtpproxy", "ham_address"]:
self.train_as_ham = True
+ self.train_as_spam = False
self.blockData = True
self.push("250 OK\r\n")
*** 365,398 ****
return rv
! def onRset(self, command, args):
! rv = command
! for arg in args:
! rv += ' ' + arg
! return rv
! def onQuit(self, command, args):
! rv = command
! for arg in args:
! rv += ' ' + arg
return rv
def onUnknown(self, command, args):
"""Default handler."""
! rv = command
! for arg in args:
! rv += ' ' + arg
return rv
def extractSpambayesID(self, data):
! msg = get_message(data)
! # the nicest MUA is one that forwards the header intact
! id = msg.get(options["pop3proxy", "mailid_header_name"])
if id is not None:
return id
! # some MUAs will put it in the body somewhere
! # other MUAs will put it in an attached MIME message
! id = self._find_id_in_text(str(msg))
if id is not None:
return id
--- 369,400 ----
return rv
! def onMailFrom(self, command, args):
! """Just like the default handler, but has the necessary colon."""
! rv = "%s:%s" % (command, ' '.join(args))
return rv
def onUnknown(self, command, args):
"""Default handler."""
! rv = "%s %s" % (command, ' '.join(args))
return rv
+ class SMTPTrainer(object):
+ def __init__(self, classifier, state=None, imap=None):
+ self.classifier = classifier
+ self.state = state
+ self.imap = imap
def extractSpambayesID(self, data):
! msg = message_from_string(data)
! # The nicest MUA is one that forwards the header intact.
! id = msg.get(options["Headers", "mailid_header_name"])
if id is not None:
return id
! # Some MUAs will put it in the body somewhere, while others will
! # put it in an attached MIME message.
! id = self._find_id_in_text(msg.as_string())
if id is not None:
return id
*** 412,462 ****
return None
def _find_id_in_text(self, text):
! id_location = text.find(options["pop3proxy", "mailid_header_name"])
! if id_location == -1:
return None
! else:
! # A MUA might enclose the id in a table
! # (Mozilla Mail does this with inline html)
! s = re.compile(options["pop3proxy", "mailid_header_name"] + \
! ':[\s]*</th>[\s]*<td>[\s]*')
! if s.search(text[id_location:]) is not None:
! id_location += s.search(text[id_location:]).end()
! s = re.compile('[\d-]+</td>')
! id_end = s.search(text[id_location:]).end() + id_location
! else:
! id_location += len(options["pop3proxy",
! "mailid_header_name"]) + 2
! s = re.compile('[\w -]+[\\r]?\\n')
! id_end = s.search(text[id_location:]).end() + id_location
! id = text[id_location:id_end]
! s = re.compile('</td>')
! if s.search(id) is not None:
! id = s.split(id)[0]
! s = re.compile('[\\r]?\\n')
! if s.search(id) is not None:
! id = s.split(id)[0]
! return id
def train(self, msg, isSpam):
! id = self.extractSpambayesID(msg)
if id is None:
! print "Could not extract id"
! return
! if options["globals", "verbose"]:
! if isSpam == True:
! print "Training %s as spam" % id
! else:
! print "Training %s as ham" % id
! if self.state.unknownCorpus.get(id) is not None:
! sourceCorpus = self.state.unknownCorpus
! elif self.state.hamCorpus.get(id) is not None:
! sourceCorpus = self.state.hamCorpus
! elif self.state.spamCorpus.get(id) is not None:
! sourceCorpus = self.state.spamCorpus
! # message doesn't exist in any corpus
! print "Non-existant message"
! return
if isSpam == True:
targetCorpus = self.state.spamCorpus
--- 414,478 ----
return None
+ header_pattern = re.escape(options["Headers", "mailid_header_name"])
+ # A MUA might enclose the id in a table, thus the convoluted re pattern
+ # (Mozilla Mail does this with inline html)
+ header_pattern += r":\s*(\</th\>\s*\<td\>\s*)?([\d\-]+)"
+ header_re = re.compile(header_pattern)
def _find_id_in_text(self, text):
! mo = self.header_re.search(text)
! if mo is None:
return None
! return mo.group(2)
def train(self, msg, isSpam):
! try:
! use_cached = options["smtpproxy", "use_cached_message"]
! except KeyError:
! use_cached = True
! if use_cached:
! id = self.extractSpambayesID(msg)
! if id is None:
! print "Could not extract id"
! return
! self.train_cached_message(id, isSpam)
! # Otherwise, train on the forwarded/bounced message.
! msg = sbheadermessage_from_string(msg)
! id = msg.setIdFromPayload()
! msg.delSBHeaders()
if id is None:
! # No id, so we don't have any reliable method of remembering
! # information about this message, so we just assume that it
! # hasn't been trained before. We could generate some sort of
! # checksum for the message and use that as an id (this would
! # mean that we didn't need to store the id with the message)
! # but that might be a little unreliable.
! self.classifier.learn(msg.asTokens(), isSpam)
! if msg.GetTrained() == (not isSpam):
! self.classifier.unlearn(msg.asTokens(), not isSpam)
! msg.RememberTrained(None)
! if msg.GetTrained() is None:
! self.classifier.learn(msg.asTokens(), isSpam)
! msg.RememberTrained(isSpam)
! def train_cached_message(self, id, isSpam):
! if not self.train_message_in_pop3proxy_cache(id, isSpam) and \
! not self.train_message_on_imap_server(id, isSpam):
! print "Could not find message (%s); perhaps it was " + \
! "deleted from the POP3Proxy cache or the IMAP " + \
! "server." % (id, )
! def train_message_in_pop3proxy_cache(self, id, isSpam):
! if self.state is None:
! return False
! sourceCorpus = None
! for corpus in [self.state.unknownCorpus, self.state.hamCorpus,
! self.state.spamCorpus]:
! if corpus.get(id) is not None:
! sourceCorpus = corpus
! break
! if corpus is None:
! return False
if isSpam == True:
targetCorpus = self.state.spamCorpus
*** 464,468 ****
targetCorpus = self.state.hamCorpus
targetCorpus.takeMessage(id, sourceCorpus)
! self.state.bayes.store()
def LoadServerInfo():
--- 480,501 ----
targetCorpus = self.state.hamCorpus
targetCorpus.takeMessage(id, sourceCorpus)
! self.classifier.store()
! def train_message_on_imap_server(self, id, isSpam):
! if self.imap is None:
! return False
! msg = self.imap.FindMessage(id)
! if msg is None:
! return False
! if msg.GetTrained() == (not isSpam):
! msg.get_substance()
! msg.delSBHeaders()
! self.classifier.unlearn(msg.asTokens(), not isSpam)
! msg.RememberTrained(None)
! if msg.GetTrained() is None:
! msg.get_substance()
! msg.delSBHeaders()
! self.classifier.learn(msg.asTokens(), isSpam)
! msg.RememberTrained(isSpam)
def LoadServerInfo():
*** 470,475 ****
servers = []
proxyPorts = []
! if options["smtpproxy", "servers"]:
! for server in options["smtpproxy", "servers"]:
server = server.strip()
if server.find(':') > -1:
--- 503,508 ----
servers = []
proxyPorts = []
! if options["smtpproxy", "remote_servers"]:
! for server in options["smtpproxy", "remote_servers"]:
server = server.strip()
if server.find(':') > -1:
*** 478,504 ****
port = '25'
servers.append((server, int(port)))
! if options["smtpproxy", "ports"]:
! splitPorts = options["smtpproxy", "ports"]
proxyPorts = map(_addressAndPort, splitPorts)
if len(servers) != len(proxyPorts):
! print "smtpproxy_servers & smtpproxy_ports are different lengths!"
return servers, proxyPorts
! def CreateProxies(servers, proxyPorts, state):
"""Create BayesSMTPProxyListeners for all the given servers."""
for (server, serverPort), proxyPort in zip(servers, proxyPorts):
! listener = BayesSMTPProxyListener(server, serverPort, proxyPort, state)
def main():
! """Runs the proxy forever or until a 'KILL' command is received or
! someone hits Ctrl+Break."""
! from pop3proxy import state
servers, proxyPorts = LoadServerInfo()
! CreateProxies(servers, proxyPorts, state)
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
--- 511,576 ----
port = '25'
servers.append((server, int(port)))
! if options["smtpproxy", "listen_ports"]:
! splitPorts = options["smtpproxy", "listen_ports"]
proxyPorts = map(_addressAndPort, splitPorts)
if len(servers) != len(proxyPorts):
! print "smtpproxy:remote_servers & smtpproxy:listen_ports are " + \
! "different lengths!"
return servers, proxyPorts
! def CreateProxies(servers, proxyPorts, trainer):
"""Create BayesSMTPProxyListeners for all the given servers."""
+ # allow for old versions of pop3proxy
+ if not isinstance(trainer, SMTPTrainer):
+ trainer = SMTPTrainer(trainer.bayes, trainer)
for (server, serverPort), proxyPort in zip(servers, proxyPorts):
! listener = BayesSMTPProxyListener(server, serverPort, proxyPort,
! trainer)
def main():
! """Runs the proxy until a 'KILL' command is received or someone hits
! Ctrl+Break."""
! try:
! opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvd:D:')
! except getopt.error, msg:
! print >>sys.stderr, str(msg) + '\n\n' + __doc__
! sys.exit()
! bdbname = options["Storage", "persistent_storage_file"]
! useDBM = options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"]
! for opt, arg in opts:
! if opt == '-h':
! print >>sys.stderr, __doc__
! sys.exit()
! elif opt == '-d':
! useDBM = False
! bdbname = arg
! elif opt == '-D':
! useDBM = True
! bdbname = arg
! elif opt == '-v':
! options["globals", "verbose"] = True
! bdbname = os.path.expanduser(bdbname)
! if options["globals", "verbose"]:
! print "Loading database %s..." % (bdbname),
! if useDBM:
! classifier = storage.DBDictClassifier(bdbname)
! else:
! classifier = storage.PickledClassifier(bdbname)
! if options["globals", "verbose"]:
! print "Done."
servers, proxyPorts = LoadServerInfo()
! trainer = SMTPTrainer(classifier)
! CreateProxies(servers, proxyPorts, trainer)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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