[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000 msgstore.py,1.65,1.66

Mark Hammond mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Sun Aug 24 22:21:09 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv29347

Modified Files:
Log Message:
GroupWise manages to change the message class for its virus reports.  We
now allow "IPM.Note" and "IPM.Anti-Virus*"

Index: msgstore.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/msgstore.py,v
retrieving revision 1.65
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -C2 -d -r1.65 -r1.66
*** msgstore.py	25 Aug 2003 01:33:11 -0000	1.65
--- msgstore.py	25 Aug 2003 04:21:06 -0000	1.66
*** 487,495 ****
          table = folder.GetContentsTable(0)
          if only_filter_candidates:
!             # Limit ourselves to IPM.Note objects - ie, messages.
              restriction = (mapi.RES_PROPERTY,   # a property restriction
                             (mapi.RELOP_GE,      # >=
                              PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A,   # of the this prop
!                             (PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, "IPM.Note"))) # with this value
              table.Restrict(restriction, 0)
          table.SetColumns(MAPIMsgStoreMsg.message_init_props, 0)
--- 487,495 ----
          table = folder.GetContentsTable(0)
          if only_filter_candidates:
!             # Limit ourselves to IPM.* objects - ie, messages.
              restriction = (mapi.RES_PROPERTY,   # a property restriction
                             (mapi.RELOP_GE,      # >=
                              PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A,   # of the this prop
!                             (PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, "IPM."))) # with this value
              table.Restrict(restriction, 0)
          table.SetColumns(MAPIMsgStoreMsg.message_init_props, 0)
*** 530,534 ****
                               (mapi.RELOP_GE,      # >=
                                PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A,   # of the this prop
!                               (PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, "IPM.Note"))) # with this value
          # Put the final restriction together
          restriction = (mapi.RES_AND, (prop_restriction,
--- 530,534 ----
                               (mapi.RELOP_GE,      # >=
                                PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A,   # of the this prop
!                               (PR_MESSAGE_CLASS_A, "IPM."))) # with this value
          # Put the final restriction together
          restriction = (mapi.RES_AND, (prop_restriction,
*** 655,660 ****
          # It does *not* exclude messages that were user composed, but still
          # actually received by the user (ie, when you mail yourself)
!         return self.msgclass.lower().startswith("ipm.note") and \
!                (self.was_received or test_suite_running)
      def _GetPotentiallyLargeStringProp(self, prop_id, row):
--- 655,670 ----
          # It does *not* exclude messages that were user composed, but still
          # actually received by the user (ie, when you mail yourself)
!         # GroupWise generates IPM.Anti-Virus.Report.45 (but I'm not sure how
!         # it manages given it is an external server, and as far as I can tell,
!         # this does not appear in the headers.
!         class_check = self.msgclass.lower()
!         for check in "ipm.note", "ipm.anti-virus":
!             if class_check.startswith(check):
!                 break
!         else:
!             # Not matching class - no good
!             return False
!         # Must match msg class to get here.
!         return self.was_received or test_suite_running
      def _GetPotentiallyLargeStringProp(self, prop_id, row):

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