[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000 addin.py, 1.98,
1.99 config.py, 1.26, 1.27 manager.py, 1.80, 1.81
Mark Hammond
mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Mon Aug 25 20:35:47 EDT 2003
Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv20493
Modified Files:
addin.py config.py manager.py
Log Message:
The experimental 'timers' options got upgraded to the 'filter'
section. Existing values should be migrated (but note you won't see
the migration until the config is saved - ie, after the manager dialog
is shown). New values are floating point seconds (and the migration
also does the conversion from the old milli-seconds). I'm too nice :)
Index: addin.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/addin.py,v
retrieving revision 1.98
retrieving revision 1.99
diff -C2 -d -r1.98 -r1.99
*** addin.py 25 Aug 2003 14:29:33 -0000 1.98
--- addin.py 26 Aug 2003 02:35:45 -0000 1.99
*** 290,297 ****
def Init(self, *args):
_BaseItemsEvent.Init(self, *args)
! start_delay = self.manager.config.experimental.timer_start_delay
! interval = self.manager.config.experimental.timer_interval
! use_timer = start_delay and interval
if use_timer and not hasattr(timer, "__version__"):
# No binaries will see this.
--- 290,301 ----
def Init(self, *args):
_BaseItemsEvent.Init(self, *args)
! timer_enabled = self.manager.config.filter.timer_enabled
! start_delay = self.manager.config.filter.timer_start_delay
! interval = self.manager.config.filter.timer_interval
! use_timer = timer_enabled and start_delay and interval
! if timer_enabled and not use_timer:
! print "*" * 50
! print "The timer is enabled, but one of the timer intervals values is zero"
! print "You must set both intervals before the timer will enable"
if use_timer and not hasattr(timer, "__version__"):
# No binaries will see this.
*** 308,325 ****
# the timer for known 'inbox' folders, or for all watched folders.
is_inbox = self.target.IsReceiveFolder()
! if not is_inbox and self.manager.config.experimental.timer_only_receive_folders:
use_timer = False
! # Good chance someone will assume timer is seconds, not ms.
! if use_timer and (start_delay < 500 or interval < 500):
! print "*" * 50
! print "The timer is configured to fire way too often " \
"(delay=%s milliseconds, interval=%s milliseconds)" \
% (start_delay, interval)
! print "This is very high, and is likely to starve Outlook and the "
! print "SpamBayes addin. Please adjust your configuration"
! print "The timer is NOT enabled..."
! print "*" * 50
! use_timer = False
self.use_timer = use_timer
--- 312,337 ----
# the timer for known 'inbox' folders, or for all watched folders.
is_inbox = self.target.IsReceiveFolder()
! if not is_inbox and self.manager.config.filer.timer_only_receive_folders:
use_timer = False
! # Don't allow insane values for the timer.
! if use_timer:
! too = None
! if type(start_delay) != type(0.0) or type(interval) != type(0.0):
! print "*" * 50
! print "Timer values are garbage!", repr(start_delay), repr(interval)
! use_timer = False
! elif start_delay < 0.4 or interval < 0.4:
! too = "too often"
! elif start_delay > 30 or interval > 30:
! too = "too infrequently"
! if too:
! print "*" * 50
! print "The timer is configured to fire way " + too + \
"(delay=%s milliseconds, interval=%s milliseconds)" \
% (start_delay, interval)
! print "Please adjust your configuration. The timer is NOT enabled..."
! print "*" * 50
! use_timer = False
self.use_timer = use_timer
*** 338,343 ****
--- 350,357 ----
assert thread.get_ident() == self.owner_thread_ident
assert self.timer_id is None, "Shouldn't start a timer when already have one"
+ assert type(delay)==type(0.0), "Timer values are float seconds"
# And start a new timer.
assert delay, "No delay means no timer!"
+ delay = int(delay*1000) # convert to ms.
self.timer_id = timer.set_timer(delay, self._TimerFunc)
self.manager.LogDebug(1, "New message timer started - id=%d, delay=%d" % (self.timer_id, delay))
*** 347,351 ****
# And start a new timer.
! delay = self.manager.config.experimental.timer_start_delay
field_name = self.manager.config.general.field_score_name
self.timer_generator = self.target.GetNewUnscoredMessageGenerator(field_name)
--- 361,365 ----
# And start a new timer.
! delay = self.manager.config.filter.timer_start_delay
field_name = self.manager.config.general.field_score_name
self.timer_generator = self.target.GetNewUnscoredMessageGenerator(field_name)
*** 392,396 ****
# And setup the timer for the next check.
! delay = self.manager.config.experimental.timer_interval
--- 406,410 ----
# And setup the timer for the next check.
! delay = self.manager.config.filter.timer_interval
*** 675,678 ****
--- 689,693 ----
if restore_folder is None or \
msgstore_message.GetFolder() == restore_folder:
+ print "Unable to determine source folder for message '%s' - restoring to Inbox" % (subject,)
restore_folder = inbox_folder
Index: config.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/config.py,v
retrieving revision 1.26
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -C2 -d -r1.26 -r1.27
*** config.py 24 Aug 2003 12:02:21 -0000 1.26
--- config.py 26 Aug 2003 02:35:45 -0000 1.27
*** 110,135 ****
# Experimental options may change, may get removed, and *will* get moved
# should they be kept.
"Experimental" : (
! ("timer_start_delay", "The interval, (in ms) before the timer starts.", 0,
! """Once a new item is received in the inbox, SpamBayes will begin
! processing messages after the given delay. If a new message arrives
! during this period, the timer will be reset and delay will start again.""",
! ("timer_interval", "The interval between subsequent timer checks (in ms)", 1000,
! """Once the new message timer finds a new message, how long should
! SpamBayes wait before checking for another new message, assuming no
! other new messages arrive. Should a new message arrive during this
! process, the timer will reset, meaning that timer_start_delay will
! elapse before the process begins again.""",
! ("timer_only_receive_folders",
! "Should the timer only be used for 'Inbox' type folders", True,
! """The point of using a timer is to prevent the SpamBayes filter
! getting in the way the builtin Outlook rules. Therefore, is it
! generally only necessary to use a timer for folders that have new
! items being delivered directly to them. Folders that are not inbox
! style folders generally are not subject to builtin filtering, so
! generally have no problems filtering messages in 'real time'.""",
"Training" : (
--- 110,121 ----
# Experimental options may change, may get removed, and *will* get moved
# should they be kept.
+ # Experimental options will *never* be exposed via the GUI, meaning that
+ # migrating any such options should be considered a favour :)
"Experimental" : (
! # These are migrated, so must remain while migration code remains in place.
! # This isn't critical, so should be deleted after just a few version.
! ("timer_start_delay", "obsolete", 0, "", INTEGER, RESTORE),
! ("timer_interval", "obsolete", 1000, "", INTEGER, RESTORE),
! ("timer_only_receive_folders", "obsolete", True, "", BOOLEAN, RESTORE),
"Training" : (
*** 231,234 ****
--- 217,249 ----
+ # Options that allow the filtering to be done by a timer.
+ ("timer_enabled", "Should items be filtered by a timer?", False,
+ """Depending on a number of factors, SpamBayes may occasionally miss
+ messages or conflict with builtin Outlook rules. If this option
+ is set, SpamBayes will filter all messages in the background. This
+ generally solves both of these problem, at the cost of having Spam stay
+ in your inbox for a few extra seconds.""",
+ ("timer_start_delay", "The interval (in seconds) before the timer starts.", 2.0,
+ """Once a new item is received in the inbox, SpamBayes will begin
+ processing messages after the given delay. If a new message arrives
+ during this period, the timer will be reset and the delay will start again.""",
+ ("timer_interval", "The interval between subsequent timer checks (in seconds)", 1.0,
+ """Once the new message timer finds a new message, how long should
+ SpamBayes wait before checking for another new message, assuming no
+ other new messages arrive. Should a new message arrive during this
+ process, the timer will reset, meaning that timer_start_delay will
+ elapse before the process begins again.""",
+ ("timer_only_receive_folders",
+ "Should the timer only be used for 'Inbox' type folders?", True,
+ """The point of using a timer is to prevent the SpamBayes filter
+ getting in the way the builtin Outlook rules. Therefore, is it
+ generally only necessary to use a timer for folders that have new
+ items being delivered directly to them. Folders that are not inbox
+ style folders generally are not subject to builtin filtering, so
+ generally have no problems filtering messages in 'real time'.""",
"Filter_Now": (
*** 287,290 ****
--- 302,326 ----
return options
+ def MigrateOptions(options):
+ # Migrate some "old" options to "new" options. Can be deleted in
+ # a few versions :)
+ # Binary007 last with experimental timer values.
+ delay = options.get("Experimental", "timer_start_delay")
+ interval = options.get("Experimental", "timer_interval")
+ if delay and interval:
+ options.set("Filter", "timer_enabled", True)
+ options.set("Filter", "timer_start_delay", float(delay / 1000))
+ options.set("Filter", "timer_interval", float(interval / 1000))
+ # and reset the old options so they are not written to the new file
+ # (actually, resetting isn't enough - must hack and clobber)
+ del options._options["Experimental", "timer_start_delay"]
+ del options._options["Experimental", "timer_interval"]
+ torf = options.get("Experimental", "timer_only_receive_folders")
+ if not torf:
+ options.set("Filter", "timer_only_receive_folders", False)
+ # and reset old
+ del options._options["Experimental", "timer_only_receive_folders"]
# Old code when we used a pickle. Still needed so old pickles can be
Index: manager.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/manager.py,v
retrieving revision 1.80
retrieving revision 1.81
diff -C2 -d -r1.80 -r1.81
*** manager.py 25 Aug 2003 14:29:33 -0000 1.80
--- manager.py 26 Aug 2003 02:35:45 -0000 1.81
*** 646,650 ****
--- 646,655 ----
self.LogDebug(self.verbose, "System verbosity set to", self.verbose)
+ # Do any migrations - first the old pickle into the new format.
+ # Then any options we change (particularly any 'experimental' ones we
+ # consider important)
+ import config
+ config.MigrateOptions(self.options)
if self.verbose > 1:
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