[Spambayes-checkins] website faq.txt,1.38,1.39

Tony Meyer anadelonbrin at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Aug 26 21:53:05 EDT 2003

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/website
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv1018

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Tidy up the FAQs about creating a bayescustomize.ini file.

Index: faq.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/website/faq.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.38
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -C2 -d -r1.38 -r1.39
*** faq.txt	25 Aug 2003 19:26:08 -0000	1.38
--- faq.txt	27 Aug 2003 03:53:03 -0000	1.39
*** 581,626 ****
- How do I configure Spambayes?
- -----------------------------
- The system is configured through a file called "bayescustomize.ini".  In
- here you can configure the name and type of your database, the POP3
- server(s) you want to proxy to, the ports you want the proxy and the web
- interface to run on, and so on.  You can also control details like how sure
- you want the system to be that message really is spam before it marks it as
- such.  The default values for all the options, and the documentation for
- them, all lives in Options.py.
- To change an option, create a bayescustomize.ini and add the option to that
- - don't edit Options.py.  If you are using the POP3 proxy, SMTP proxy or IMAP
- filter, you can also change most of the options you will need to access via
- the web user interface.  You will probably find this at
- http://localhost:8880.  To configure the Outlook plugin, you should click on
- the Anti-Spam button on the toolbar.
- To setup the POP3 and SMTP proxies (optional), run::
-     pop3proxy.py -b
- from the command line.  The web interface should open in your default
- browser.  You need to click on the "Configuration Link" to go to the setup
- page.  The minimum you need to do to get started is enter the servers and
- ports information in the POP3 proxy and SMTP proxy sections.
- The POP3 proxy is then ready for your email client to connect to it on port
- 110 and the SMTP proxy is ready for connections on port 25.  You now need to
- configure your email client to talk to the proxies instead of the real email
- servers.  Change your equivalent of "pop3.my-isp.com" to "localhost" (or to
- the name of the machine you're running the proxy on) in your email client's
- setup, and do the same with your equivalent of "smtp.my-isp.com".  Hit "Get
- new email" and look at the headers of the emails (send yourself an email if
- you don't have any!) - there should be an X-Spambayes-Classification header
- there.  It probably says "unsure", if you haven't done any training yet.
- You should be able to create a mail folder called "Suspected spam" and set
- up a filtering rule that puts emails with an "X-Spambayes-Classification:
- spam" heading into that folder.  (Eventually we should publish instructions
- on how to do this in all the popular email clients).
  How do I train Spambayes (web method)?
--- 581,584 ----
*** 767,774 ****
! How do I configure pop3proxy, imapfilter, etc. without a web browser?
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! You need to create a configuration file.  This is in the 'standard' ini file
  format (originally created for Windows 3.1, I believe).  You can find
  documentation on this format in the `ConfigParser docs`_, but basically,
--- 725,757 ----
! How do I configure Spambayes?
! -----------------------------
! To configure the Outlook plugin, you should choose `SpamBayes Manager` from
! the `SpamBayes` button on the `SpamBayes` toolbar.
! If you use the POP3 proxy or IMAP filter, then simply open a browser
! window to http://localhost:8880, click on the configuration link on the top
! right of the page that opens up, and fill in the details.  If you're using
! the POP3 proxy, you'll also need to configure your email client to talk to
! the proxies instead of the real email servers. Change your equivalent of
! `pop3.example.com` to `localhost` (or to the name of the machine you're
! running the proxy on) in your email client's setup, and do the same with
! your equivalent of `smtp.example.com".  Hit "Get new email" and look at the
! headers of the emails (send yourself an email if you don't have any!) -
! there should be an X-Spambayes-Classification header there.  It probably
! says "unsure", if you haven't done any training yet. You should be able to
! create a mail folder called "Suspected spam" and set up a filtering rule
! that puts emails with an "X-Spambayes-Classification: spam" heading into
! that folder.
! Otherwise, the system is configured through a file called
! `bayescustomize.ini` or `.spambayesrc`.  In here you can configure the name
! and type of your database, your ham and spam cutoffs, and so on.  The
! default values for all the options, and the documentation for them, lives
! in Options.py.
! To change an option, create a bayescustomize.ini and add the option to that
! - don't edit Options.py.  This is in the 'standard' ini file
  format (originally created for Windows 3.1, I believe).  You can find
  documentation on this format in the `ConfigParser docs`_, but basically,
*** 776,786 ****
  with a line like "[Section Name]", and options are set out within the
  appropriate section with lines like "opt = val" or "opt: val" (either is
! okay).  Whitespace other than line endings is for the most part ignored, so
  you can make it look like whatever you like.  You can see a list of what a
  configuration file of all the defaults would like like if you execute the
! following Python commands::
!     >>> from spambayes.Options import options
!     >>> print options.display()
  .. _`ConfigParser docs`: http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-ConfigParser.html
--- 759,768 ----
  with a line like "[Section Name]", and options are set out within the
  appropriate section with lines like "opt = val" or "opt: val" (either is
! ok).  Whitespace other than line endings is for the most part ignored, so
  you can make it look like whatever you like.  You can see a list of what a
  configuration file of all the defaults would like like if you execute the
! following Python command::
!     python -c "from spambayes.Options import options ; print options.display()"
  .. _`ConfigParser docs`: http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-ConfigParser.html
*** 792,799 ****
  This depends on exactly what you want to do, and which application you are
  intending to use.  The easiest thing is to execute the following Python
! commands::
!     >>> from spambayes.Options import options
!     >>> print options.display_full()
  This will print out a complete list of the options, including a description
--- 774,780 ----
  This depends on exactly what you want to do, and which application you are
  intending to use.  The easiest thing is to execute the following Python
! command::
!     python -c "from spambayes.Options import options ; print options.display_full()"
  This will print out a complete list of the options, including a description
*** 801,823 ****
  section, if you know its name::
!     >>> print options.display_full("section_name")
  Or just a single option::
!     >>> print options.display_full("section_name", "option_name")
  If you want a list of all the sections, you can use this command::
!     >>> print options.sections()
  If you want a list of all the options, you can use this command::
!     >>> print options.options(prepend_section_name=False)
! Why is Spambayes ignoring my configuration file?
! Spambayes looks for your configuration file in three places - if it can't
  find it, then, obviously, your options will not be loaded.  The first place
  that Spambayes checks is the environment variable BAYESCUSTOMIZE.  You can
--- 782,804 ----
  section, if you know its name::
!     python -c "from spambayes.Options import options ; print options.display_full('section_name')"
  Or just a single option::
!     python -c "from spambayes.Options import options ; print options.display_full('section_name', 'option_name')"
  If you want a list of all the sections, you can use this command::
!     python -c "from spambayes.Options import options ; print options.sections()"
  If you want a list of all the options, you can use this command::
!     python -c "from spambayes.Options import options ; print options.options(prepend_section_name=False)"
! Why is SpamBayes ignoring my configuration file?
! SpamBayes looks for your configuration file in three places - if it can't
  find it, then, obviously, your options will not be loaded.  The first place
  that Spambayes checks is the environment variable BAYESCUSTOMIZE.  You can
*** 827,831 ****
  method of specifying the location of the file, unless you do so via a user
  interface (as provided by the POP3 proxy, the Outlook plugin, and the IMAP
! filter).  If Spambayes doesn't find anything in the BAYESCUSTOMIZE variable,
  then it checks the current working directory and your home directory for a
  bayescustomize.ini or .spambayesrc file (respectively).
--- 808,812 ----
  method of specifying the location of the file, unless you do so via a user
  interface (as provided by the POP3 proxy, the Outlook plugin, and the IMAP
! filter).  If SpamBayes doesn't find anything in the BAYESCUSTOMIZE variable,
  then it checks the current working directory and your home directory for a
  bayescustomize.ini or .spambayesrc file (respectively).

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