[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/Outlook2000 about.html,1.19,1.20
Mark Hammond
mhammond at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Aug 29 00:24:50 EDT 2003
Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv9463
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Re-structed the docs for the Outlook plugin to reflect the new wizard.
Index: about.html
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/Outlook2000/about.html,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -C2 -d -r1.19 -r1.20
*** about.html 10 Aug 2003 07:26:48 -0000 1.19
--- about.html 29 Aug 2003 06:24:48 -0000 1.20
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<h1>SpamBayes Outlook Plugin</h1>
! Thank you for trying the SpamBayes anti-spam Outlook addin. You
! can view this documentation at any time by starting Outlook, selecting
! the <span style="font-style: italic;">SpamBayes Manager</span> option
! from the new <span style="font-style: italic;">SpamBayes </span>toolbar
! you will see, and selecting the <span style="font-style: italic;">About
! </span>button.<br>
! <br>
! This plugin provides a spam filter based on statistical analysis of
! your personal mail. Unlike other spam detection systems,
! SpamBayes
! actually learns what you consider spam, and continually adapts as both
! your regular email and spam patterns change. There are no builtin
! rules, so anything you consider spam will be treated as spam by this
! system, even if it does not conform to the traditional definitions of
! spam.<br>
! <br>
! Some time must be spent configuring the system, and performing initial
! training. Once this has been completed, you will find the filter
! amazingly effective and making very few errors.<br>
! <br>
! Bear in mind that this is an early version, and there are plenty of
! things to improve, particularly related to the initial configuration
! and
! training process. Please bear with us, and see the <a
! href="docs/troubleshooting.html">troubleshooting guide</a> should you
! have problems.. This is free software, so your help is needed -
! please see the <a href="http://spambayes.sourceforge.net">main project
! page</a> for information.<br>
! <br>
! If you want a better picture of how the plugin actually operates, see <a
! href="#Using_the_plugin">using the plugin</a>. Also here you
! will find information on:<br>
! <ul>
! <li><a href="#Installing_and_Configuring">Installing and configuring
! the plugin</a></li>
! <li><a href="#Field">Viewing the Spam score field.</a></li>
! <li><a href="#Filtering">Configuring the plugin for filtering</a></li>
! <li><a href="#Your_help_is_needed">How you can help improve this free
! software.</a></li>
! </ul>
! If you would like to see some additional options you can set, please
! see the <a href="docs/configuration.html">configuration guide</a>.
! If you have any problems, please see the <a
! href="docs/troubleshooting.html">troubleshooting guide</a>. You
! may also like to browse the <a
! href="http://spambayes.sourceforge.net/faq.html#outlook-plugin">Outlook
! section of the online SpamBayes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</a>.<br>
! <h2><a name="Using_the_plugin"></a>Using the plugin<br>
! </h2>
! As messages arrive, they are given a "spam score". This score is
! the measure of how "spammy" the system has decided a mail is, with 100%
! being certain spam, and 0% meaning the message is certainly not
! spam. The SpamBayes addin uses three different spam categories
! based on these scores to classify mail into one of three categories -
! certain spam, unsure, and good messages. Good messages are often
! known in the anti-spam community as <span style="font-style: italic;">ham</span>.<br>
! Mail that is classified as good is never touched by this plugin - they
! will remain in your inbox, or be filtered normally by Outlook's builtin
! rules. Mail that is classified as either unsure, or certain spam
! is moved into different folders for future review.<br>
! There are three ways in which the system can get things wrong:
! <ul>
! <li>A spam stays in your inbox. This is known as a <span
! style="font-style: italic;">false negative</span>. In this case
! you can either drag the message to the Spam folder or click on the <span
! style="font-style: italic;">Delete as Spam</span> button on the
! Outlook
! toolbar. In both cases, the message will be trained as spam and
! will be moved to the spam folder.</li>
! <li>Any message is moved to the unsure folder. In this case,
! the system is simply unsure about the message, and moves it to the
! possible spam folder for human review. All unsure messages should
! be manually classified; good messages can either be dragged back to the
! inbox, or have the <span style="font-style: italic;">Recover from Spam</span>
! toolbar button clicked, while spam messages can either be dragged to
! the
! Spam folder or have the <span style="font-style: italic;">Delete as
! Spam</span>
! toobar button clicked. In all cases, the system will
! automatically
! be trained appropriately.</li>
! <li>A wanted (ham) message is moved to the Spam folder. This is known
! as a <span style="font-style: italic;">false positive</span>.<span
! style="font-style: italic;"></span><span style="font-style: italic;"></span> In
! this case you can either drag the message back to the folder from which
! it came (generally the inbox), or click on the <span
! style="font-style: italic;">Recover from Spam</span> button. In
! both cases the message will be trained as good, and moved back to the
! original folder.</li>
! </ul>
! Note that in all cases, as you take corrective action on the mail, the
! system is also trained. This makes it less likely that another
! similar mail will be incorrectly classified in the future.<br>
! <br />
! <h2><a name="Installing_and_Configuring"></a>Installing and Configuring
! the plugin</h2>
! If you download the installer version of this plugin (ie, you
! downloaded a .EXE file you use to install), then everything is installed
! and just needs to be configured. If you downloaded the sourcecode
! version of the plugin, please view README.txt for installation
! instructions.<br />
! Configuring the plugin requires the following steps:<br/><br/>
! <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2" border="0"
! style="text-align: left; width: 100%;">
! <tbody>
! <tr>
! <td style="vertical-align: top;">
! <ol>
! <li style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Confirm the plugin is installed:<br/>
! Start Outlook, select your Inbox, then look at your Outlook
! toolbar. Just below the standard Toolbar, you should see a new
! toolbar with a <span style="font-style: italic;">SpamBayes</span>
! dropdown button. If this button appears, then the plugin is
! correctly installed and ready to use. If the button does not
! appear, please see <a href="docs/troubleshooting.html">the
! troubleshooting guide</a>.</li>
! <li style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Create <span style="font-style: italic;">
! Spam</span> and <span style="font-style: italic;">Unsure</span> folders<br />
! Use the normal Outlook functions to create two new folders. These
! can be named anything you like, and can appear anywhere in the folder
! hierarchy you choose - however, it is recommended you call them
! something like <span style="font-style: italic;">Spam</span> and <span
! style="font-style: italic;">Possible Spam</span>.</li>
! <li style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Manually create initial training data<br/>
! Go through your <span style="font-style: italic;">Inbox, Deleted Items</span>
! and any other folders likely to have spam, and move as much as possible
! to the new Spam folder you just created. Try and get as much Spam
! out of your inbox as possible, as your inbox will form the initial set
! of good messages we train on. Don't worry too much about missing
! one or two spam - the system is likely to find them for you as we
! rescore your existing email.<br/><br/>
! If your Inbox is so full of Spam you don't know where to start, you may
! like to create a temporary folder for the purposes of training your
! good messages. Copy some examples of your good messages to this
! new folder (roughly the same number as Spam you are training on is
! best) and nominate this temporary folder instead of your Inbox.
! Once trained, you can dispose of this folder.</li>
! <li style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Configure and Train SpamBayes<br/>
! Now we have our folders setup with some initial training data, we can
! configure the plugin. From the <span style="font-style: italic;">SpamBayes</span>
! button on the toolbar select <span style="font-style: italic;">SpamBayes
! Manager...</span> This will display the main dialog, as shown to
! the right.</li>
! <li style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Select Train Now, and the training dialog, also shown to
! the right will appear. You will need to select your Inbox as the
! folder for good messages, and your new Spam folder as the source of
! junk messages. Ensure that <span style="font-style: italic;">Score
! messages after training</span> is selected, so we can see how effective
! our Inbox cleanup was.</li>
! <li style="margin-bottom: 1em;">Click on the Train Now button, and a progress indicator
! will be displayed as your messages are trained and scored. When
! finished, close the training window to return
! to the SpamBayes window.</li>
! </ol>
! </td>
! <td style="vertical-align: top;"><img
! src="docs/images/manager-select.jpg" title="" alt="SpamBayes Toolbar"
! style="width: 354px; height: 138px;"><br>
! <div style="text-align: center;">The SpamBayes Toolbar<br>
! <br>
! <img src="docs/images/manager.jpg" title="" alt="SpamBayes manager"
! style="width: 369px; height: 352px;"><br>
! <div style="text-align: center;">The SpamBayes Manager dialog<br>
! <br>
! <img src="docs/images/training.jpg" title="" alt=""
! style="width: 368px; height: 253px;"><br>
! </div>
! <div style="text-align: center;">The training dialog<br>
! </div>
! <br>
! </td>
! </tr>
! </tbody>
! </table>
! There are some additional options that can be set outside of the user
! interface - please see the <a href="docs/configuration.html">configuration
! guide</a> for more details.<br>
! <h2><a name="Field"></a>Viewing and Using the Spam Score Field</h2>
A custom property named <span style="font-style: italic;">Spam</span>
! is added to all Outlook messages scored. You can teach Outlook to
display this field as a column in any table view, like the standard
Messages view.
--- 5,56 ----
+ <img src="docs/images/sblogo.jpg" title="" alt="Logo"
+ style="width: 380px; height: 77px;">
<h1>SpamBayes Outlook Plugin</h1>
! <p style="font-weight: bold;">A spam filter based on statistical
! analysis of
! your personal mail.</p>
! If you are new to SpamBayes, see <a href="docs/welcome.html">Welcome
! To Spambayes</a>.<br>
! If you want to add the Spam field to your Outlook views, <a
! href="file:///e:/src/spambayes/Outlook2000/about.html#Field">follow
! these instructions</a>.<br>
! If you need help configuring SpamBayes, see our <a
! href="docs/configuration.html">Configuration Guide</a>.<br>
! If you are having problems with SpamBayes, please see the <a
! href="docs/troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting Guide</a>.<br>
! <h3>Other links of interest</h3>
! <p>The <a href="http://www.spambayes.org/">main SpamBayes project page</a>.<br>
! The <a href="http://www.spambayes.org/faq.html">online SpamBayes FAQ</a><br>
! How to <a href="http://www.spambayes.org/donations.html">make a
! donation</a>.<br>
! </p>
! <h3>Tips and Common Problems<br>
! </h3>
! <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Filtering in the background:</span>
! When Outlook is under load, SpamBayes may occasionally miss some
! messages (as Outlook doesn't tell us they appeared). Also, if you
! use builtin Outlook rules, you may find that occasionally they fails to
! filter messages they normally would (as both SpamBayes and the builtin
! rules "fight" over processing the message). Both of these
! problems can generally be solved by enabling background filtering of
! messages, via the SpamBayes Manager's <span style="font-style: italic;">Advanced</span>
! tab. </p>
! <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Toobars stop working:</span> Many
! people report that occasionally the toolbars will stop working.
! See the <a href="docs/troubleshooting.html">troubleshooting guide</a>
! for more details on how to fix this.</p>
! <p><span style="font-weight: bold;">Toolbars remain after uninstall:</span>
! If you uninstall SpamBayes, the toobar items will remain when you next
! start Outlook. You can delete the toolbar by right-clicking on
! it, then selecting Customize. Our <a
! href="docs/troubleshooting.html">troubleshooting guide</a> has alot
! more information on toolbars.<br>
! </p>
! <h3><a name="Field"></a>Viewing and Using the Spam Score Field</h3>
A custom property named <span style="font-style: italic;">Spam</span>
! is added to all Outlook messages scored, but Outlook does not allow us
! to automatically add this to your views. However, you can teach
! Outlook to
display this field as a column in any table view, like the standard
Messages view.
*** 259,272 ****
rules based on user-defined fields. That's why this addin supplies its
own filtering rules.<br>
- <h2><a name="Filtering"></a>Configuring the plugin for filtering</h2>
- Once the system is trained and configured, you are ready to enable the
- filtering capabilities. From the SpamBayes manager, select <span
- style="font-style: italic;">Filters</span>. From this dialog you
- can select all the folders that you wish to watch for spam. You
- also configure the folder where you want the certain spam and unsure
- messages to be moved to.<br>
- Once this is done, you simply enable filtering from the main dialog,
- and sit back and wait for spam! See <a href="#Using_the_plugin">using
- the plugin</a> for further details.<br>
<h2><a name="Your_help_is_needed"></a>Your help is needed!</h2>
<p>This is free software. Please offer any help you are able
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