[Spambayes-checkins] spambayes/spambayes dnscache.py,1.1,1.2

Skip Montanaro montanaro at users.sourceforge.net
Wed Aug 9 06:26:39 CEST 2006

Update of /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes
In directory sc8-pr-cvs8.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv7959

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Don't beat my brains out trying to get dbm and zodb caches to work.  Just
use a simple pickled dict...

Index: dnscache.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/spambayes/spambayes/spambayes/dnscache.py,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** dnscache.py	6 Aug 2006 16:52:54 -0000	1.1
--- dnscache.py	9 Aug 2006 04:26:36 -0000	1.2
*** 14,19 ****
  import time
  import types
- import shelve
  import socket
  from spambayes.Options import options
--- 14,22 ----
  import time
  import types
  import socket
+ try:
+     import cPickle as pickle
+ except ImportError:
+     import pickle
  from spambayes.Options import options
*** 63,67 ****
  class cache:
!     def __init__(self,dnsServer=None,cachefile=None):
      # These attributes intended for user setting
--- 66,70 ----
  class cache:
!     def __init__(self,dnsServer=None,cachefile=""):
      # These attributes intended for user setting
*** 93,101 ****
          # end of user-settable attributes
!         self.cachefile = cachefile
!         if cachefile:
!             self.open_cachefile(cachefile)
!             self.caches={ "A": {}, "PTR": {} }
          self.hits=0 # These two for statistics
--- 96,114 ----
          # end of user-settable attributes
!         self.cachefile = os.path.expanduser(cachefile)
!         if self.cachefile and os.path.exists(self.cachefile):
!             self.caches = pickle.load(open(self.cachefile, "rb"))
!             self.caches = {"A": {}, "PTR": {}}
!         if options["globals", "verbose"]:
!             if self.caches["A"] or self.caches["PTR"]:
!                 print >> sys.stderr, "opened existing cache with",
!                 print >> sys.stderr, len(self.caches["A"]), "A records",
!                 print >> sys.stderr, "and", len(self.caches["PTR"]),
!                 print >> sys.stderr, "PTR records"
!             else:
!                 print >> sys.stderr, "opened new cache"
          self.hits=0 # These two for statistics
*** 109,198 ****
          return None
-     def open_cachefile(self, cachefile):
-         filetype = options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"]
-         cachefile = os.path.expanduser(cachefile)
-         if filetype == "dbm":
-             self.caches=shelve.open(cachefile)
-             if not self.caches.has_key("A"):
-                 self.caches["A"] = {}
-             if not self.caches.has_key("PTR"):
-                 self.caches["PTR"] = {}
-         elif filetype == "zodb":
-             from ZODB import DB
-             from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
-             self._zodb_storage = FileStorage(cachefile, read_only=False)
-             self._DB = DB(self._zodb_storage, cache_size=10000)
-             self._conn = self._DB.open()
-             root = self._conn.root()
-             self.caches = root.get("dnscache")
-             if self.caches is None:
-                 # There is no classifier, so create one.
-                 from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
-                 self.caches = root["dnscache"] = OOBTree()
-                 self.caches["A"] = {}
-                 self.caches["PTR"] = {}
-                 print "opened new cache"
-             else:
-                 print "opened existing cache with", len(self.caches["A"]), "A records",
-                 print "and", len(self.caches["PTR"]), "PTR records"
      def close(self):
-         if not self.cachefile:
-             return
-         filetype = options["Storage", "persistent_use_database"]
-         if filetype == "dbm":
-             self.caches.close()
-         elif filetype == "zodb":
-             self._zodb_close()
-     def _zodb_store(self):
-         import transaction
-         from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError
-         from ZODB.POSException import TransactionFailedError
-         try:
-             transaction.commit()
-         except ConflictError, msg:
-             # We'll save it next time, or on close.  It'll be lost if we
-             # hard-crash, but that's unlikely, and not a particularly big
-             # deal.
-             if options["globals", "verbose"]:
-                 print >> sys.stderr, "Conflict on commit.", msg
-             transaction.abort()
-         except TransactionFailedError, msg:
-             # Saving isn't working.  Try to abort, but chances are that
-             # restarting is needed.
-             if options["globals", "verbose"]:
-                 print >> sys.stderr, "Store failed.  Need to restart.", msg
-             transaction.abort()
-     def _zodb_close(self):
-         # Ensure that the db is saved before closing.  Alternatively, we
-         # could abort any waiting transaction.  We need to do *something*
-         # with it, though, or it will be still around after the db is
-         # closed and cause problems.  For now, saving seems to make sense
-         # (and we can always add abort methods if they are ever needed).
-         self._zodb_store()
-         # Do the closing.
-         self._DB.close()
-         # We don't make any use of the 'undo' capabilities of the
-         # FileStorage at the moment, so might as well pack the database
-         # each time it is closed, to save as much disk space as possible.
-         # Pack it up to where it was 'yesterday'.
-         # XXX What is the 'referencesf' parameter for pack()?  It doesn't
-         # XXX seem to do anything according to the source.
- ##       self._zodb_storage.pack(time.time()-60*60*24, None)
-         self._zodb_storage.close()
-         self._zodb_closed = True
-         if options["globals", "verbose"]:
-             print >> sys.stderr, 'Closed dnscache database'
-     def __del__(self):
          if self.printStatsAtEnd:
      def printStats(self):
--- 122,130 ----
          return None
      def close(self):
          if self.printStatsAtEnd:
+         if self.cachefile:
+             pickle.dump(self.caches, open(self.cachefile, "wb"))
      def printStats(self):
*** 201,209 ****
              for item in val.values():
!             print "cache %s has %i question(s) and %i answer(s)" % (key,len(self.caches[key]),totAnswers)
          if self.hits+self.misses==0:
!             print "No queries"
!             print "%i hits, %i misses (%.1f%% hits)" % (self.hits, self.misses, self.hits/float(self.hits+self.misses)*100)
      def prune(self,now):
--- 133,144 ----
              for item in val.values():
!             print >> sys.stderr, "cache", key, "has", len(self.caches[key]),
!             print >> sys.stderr, "question(s) and", totAnswers, "answer(s)"
          if self.hits+self.misses==0:
!             print >> sys.stderr, "No queries"
!             print >> sys.stderr, self.hits, "hits,", self.misses, "misses",
!             print >> sys.stderr, "(%.1f%% hits)" % \
!                   (self.hits/float(self.hits+self.misses)*100)
      def prune(self,now):
*** 223,232 ****
!             c=self.caches[answer.type]
              if len(c[answer.question])==0:
                  del c[answer.question]
!         self.printStats()
          if len(allAnswers)<=kPruneDownTo:
--- 158,168 ----
!             c=self.caches[answer.qType]
              if len(c[answer.question])==0:
                  del c[answer.question]
!         if options["globals", "verbose"]:
!             self.printStats()
          if len(allAnswers)<=kPruneDownTo:
*** 242,246 ****
          for count in range(numToDelete):
!             c=self.caches[answer.type]
              if len(c[answer.question])==0:
--- 178,182 ----
          for count in range(numToDelete):
!             c=self.caches[answer.qType]
              if len(c[answer.question])==0:

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