[spambayes-dev] Nuke experimental_ham_spam_imbalance_adjustment?

Tim Peters tim.one at comcast.net
Mon Dec 15 23:37:49 EST 2003

[Tony Meyer]
> ...
> I made the mistake of checking things in before I really had figured
> out what was happening in ConfigParser, so half the check-ins are
> repairing the other half.  It's case-sensitive *apart* from reading
> in the file.

I don't follow the distinctions being made here, but that's OK because
nobody should have to <wink>:  option names were intended to be
case-insensitive, regardless of context.  Whether they're read from .py
files, or from .ini files, or passed as arguments -- all should act the same

As things were when I last checked something in, I left this comment in
Options.py, because it explained the truth of it at that time:

    # XXX The "x-" prefix can't be "X-" instead, else it's considered
    # XXX an invalid option instead of a deprecated one.  That behavior
    # XXX doesn't match the OptionsClass comments.
    ("x-experimental_ham_spam_imbalance_adjustment", ...

It "shouldn't" make any difference there either (but it did make a
difference) whether that's spelled







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