[spambayes-dev] RE: [Spambayes] How low can you go?

Seth Goodman nobody at spamcop.net
Tue Dec 23 15:33:24 EST 2003

>     Seth> Just to be clear, I would then use the sbserver code, as I run
>     Seth> Windows, not Unix.
> [Skip Montanaro]
> Yeah, or sb_filter.py and/or sb_moxtrain.py.  Note that I'm
> assuming you're
> going to test your changes on a collection of saved mail, not on your
> incoming mail feed.

In that case, is it possible to leave the Outlook binary installed for my
incoming mail stream while I use sb_mboxtrain.py and sb_filter.py for stored
mbox testing?  My system doesn't seem to have a PythonPath environment
variable, so I would guess this is possible, so long as I can keep all the
relevant paths different.  If I can have the Outlook binary and non-Outlook
source working at the same time, is there a way to convert my saved Outlook
mail folders to mbox format so that I _can_ see how the changes I make work
on my own mail stream as well?

Seth Goodman

  Humans:   off-list replies to sethg [at] GoodmanAssociates [dot] com

  Spambots: disregard the above

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