[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] Outlook Envelope Tray Icon

Adam Walker adam.walker at rbwconsulting.com
Fri Nov 7 14:07:48 EST 2003

What about mail delivered to unwatched folders? What about mail 
delivered to watched and unwatched folders in the same batch? Why do 
people feel they need to drop everything and read an email when it comes in?

Ryan Malayter wrote:

>Is it really that hard? 
>Maybe I'm not thinking it through enough, but I suggest this simple
>	Check for unread messages in the SpamBayes "watched" folders. 
>	Check the spam score on each of those unread messages.
>	If any exist where the Spam score is below the certain ham
>threshold, show the icon
>	if not, everything new was spam, and you can remove the icon.
>This might take a second or two two but it can happen right after every
>SpamBayes scoring run gets triggered. So we'll see the new mail icon for
>at most a few seconds.
>	Ryan

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