[spambayes-dev] proposal for more uniform option setting from the command line

T. Alexander Popiel popiel at wolfskeep.com
Wed Nov 12 13:53:30 EST 2003

In message:  <16306.30305.187928.62359 at montanaro.dyndns.org>
             Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> writes:
>How about instead of only allowing specific options to be overridden on the
>command line we use a consistent syntax for overriding *any* option from the
>command line?


>The general syntax of an option setting command line arg would then be
>section:field:value.  The post-getopt.getopt() code might look something
>    from spambayes.Options import options
>    for opt, arg in opts:
>        ...
>        elif opt in ('-o', '--option'):
>            options.set(*arg.split(':'))
>        ...

Only problem here is that this particular phrasing makes it impossible
to set an option value with a colon in it.  Better would be to use
options.set(*arg.split(':', 2)).

>We would then deprecate any command line args used to twiddle options using
>any other syntax.  Use of those args would trigger a message to stderr like:
>    Deprecated form: "-d ~/hammie.db" found.
>    Use "-o Storage:persistent_storage_file:~/hammie.db" instead.


>This could be extended further.  Should the user give an incomplete -o flag
>such as "-o Storage" or "-o Storage:spam_cache", help about that section or
>variable could be emitted:

I would tend to put this in a separate syntax, and have an incomplete
specification just emit an error message (possibly saying something like
'use --help=Storage for more information').

- Alex

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