[spambayes-dev] Code locations in Spambayes Outlook plugin

TP Diffenbach tp at diffenbach.org
Thu Nov 13 23:47:06 EST 2003

I'd like to extend the Spambayes Outlook plugin a bit.

In the Spambayes Outlook Plugin, in which module are the header lines
(Outlook lingo: CdoPR_TRANSPORT_MESSAGE_HEADERS) extracted?

In which module is the spam percentage score added to the Outlook mail item?

(Why I'm doing this: the headers aren't accessible in Outlook except via
View|Options, or programmatically. I want an Outlook form that automatically
displays the headers, but doing it in Visual Basic Script is problematic
because of Outlook's security policies. Other work-arounds (using Redemption
for Outlook or writing my own hook) are possible, but I'd prefer just to
leverage Spambayes. So I'd like to add the headers as a user-defined field
(ugh, duplication) are design a form that merely accesses that.)


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