[spambayes-dev] Re: Three patches for better Evolutionintegration

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Nov 25 01:00:36 EST 2003

> Here's the problem.  When I start sb_imapfilter.py with no 
> options, I get an error saying "You need to specify both a 
> server and a username". 

This is a bug hanging over from old code.  I'll put a new patch on the

> The basic problem seems to be that launchUI is used both to 
> determine whether the server gets started and whether the 
> browser gets started. 

It looks like this, although that's not actually the case (whatever the
value of launchUI is, if neither doClassify or doTrain is true, the server
is started).  Again, hangover from older code.  I'll include fixing this in
the new patch.

> The alternative patch doesn't fix this, so it doesn't help me 
> too much. 
> But I'm not sure what the intent is so I won't make any 
> changes to this script for now.

When you have a chance, if you could take a look at the revised patch and
see if it meets your needs, that would be great :)

=Tony Meyer

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