[spambayes-dev] Mind if I commit a new contrib/spambayes.el?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Mon Oct 13 17:27:10 EDT 2003

    Neale> I just did a CVS update and have some changes to spambayes.el I'd
    Neale> like to check in.  I'd also like to edit the README to include a
    Neale> small section about the popular mutt mailer (and pine, if I can
    Neale> figure out a way to do it).

Go for it.

    Neale> I'm asking before I do anything so as not to trample on any toes.
    Neale> I've been out of the loop for a while!

I think spambayes.el probably deserves a comment like

    ;;; This is just example code which should serve as a starting point for
    ;;; your own VM/GNUS/whatever customization.

I don't use what's in CVS directly myself.


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