[spambayes-dev] RE: OOPS, somebody already had fixed this include_trained "sense" bug for mbox in cvs

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Oct 13 17:49:40 EDT 2003

> I did a bit more research, and somebody else had already 
> fixed this problem identically to my patch. Great minds think alike!

Opps.  I should have thought to check that (I had forgotten that Skip did
some work on mboxtrain).

> Bring on the next release (will that be spambayes first beta?)
> so all the other mbox user's don't have to suffer this nasty
> problem in 1.0a6.

A new release shouldn't be that far off, because there's an even more
annoying bug for users of sb_server.py which a lot of people are running
into.  The idea was that 1.0b1 would follow 1.0a6, but it might end up being

> BTW, I notice you are a developer for spambayes.
> Please extend my congratulations to the spambayes team on 
> what seems an excellent product considering its late alpha stage.

Thanks, and done.

> As soon as you get to the beta stage of spambayes development so
> that your API settles down, I will try to help you guys out with
> some updates to the documentation of the command-line use of sb.
> I could infer what I needed to know from the present documentation,
> but it needs some changes to keep up with the API changes.

That would be fantastic.  Note that we have feature frozen (so also API
frozen) a branch for all future 1.0 releases.  This means that there
shouldn't be any API changes until the first 1.1a1 release, only bug fixes.
(was that a subtle enough 'you can start now' hint? <wink>).

=Tony Meyer

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