[spambayes-dev] Regarding Whitelisting

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Tue Sep 2 14:47:34 EDT 2003

    Tim> Something every email user secretly knows, but doesn't want to
    Tim> believe, is that email is an inappropriate medium for truly
    Tim> important communication.  So it goes.

    Aleem> Why so?

Because email can be forged so easily.

    Aleem> For [security] you can use encryption ...

How many Outlook or Outlook Express users do you think really know how to
digitally sign their outgoing emails?  I'm assuming here that most HR types
use Windows and that OL and OLex are the two most popular Windows email
clients.  Both assumptions may be false, but even if they are, I suspect my
assertion still covers a large fraction of that population.


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