[spambayes-dev] Re: [Spambayes] Thanks

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Sep 24 14:46:51 EDT 2003

    Tom> Hey guys, thanks for what appears to be a pretty good product.

We're glad you like it.

    Tom> I undersstand you're doing it for free (so far, anyway), and I'd
    Tom> like to help out, some, but I don't know how.

The most obvious place I can think of that needs help is the website.  I
helped a guy here at Northwestern get started today with the POP3 proxy on
Windows connected to Eudora.  It took me awhile to get everything going and
to find the appropriate info on twiddling eudora.ini file (in the FAQ).  In
the process I think I encountered

    +-----------------+                       +-------------+
    | Outlook Express |      Internet or      |             |
    |  (or similar)   | <-------------------> | POP3 server |
    |                 |      Intranet         |             |
    +-----------------+                       +-------------+

on two or three different pages (at least one of which was in the

I don't want to go through the wailing and gnashing of teeth that seems to
characterize the current efforts at redoing www.python.org, however I think
we would do well to consider how the website could be improved.  As a start,
it seems we should a link like "Install" in the left-hand margin.  To
someone wanting to install SpamBayes, it's not obvious which of
Applications, Documentation, Frequently Asked Questions or one of the
platform-specific pages is the best place to learn how to install it or
troubleshoot an install.

I like Wikis a lot as an easy way to work collaboratively.  I'd be willing
to set up a Wiki where people can scribble thoughts, structure and content.


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