[spambayes-dev] bug in imap filter or in email package

Sjoerd Mullender sjoerd at acm.org
Tue Aug 3 13:55:27 CEST 2004

Tony Meyer wrote:
>>I noticed that I had way too many Unsures so I did some investigating.
>>One message I looked at carefully was a pure HTML message (i.e. not a
>>multipart/alternative) which was encoded with base64.  Ordinarily
>>Spambayes should decode that and tokenize the decoded message.
> [...]
>>My Python is almost fully up-to-date, the email package is completely
>>up-to-date (my last cvs update was after the last change to the email
> This sounds a lot like the bug with the email package that Neil Schemenauer
> brought up here very recently.  He said that he'd brought it up with Barry,
> but not submitted a bug report.  I'm not sure if he has yet, or not (and I
> haven't had a chance to look at it more), but if not, then it would probably
> be worth you doing this, so that Barry doesn't forget about it (and maybe it
> could squeeze into Python 2.4a2, if it's a really simple fix and Barry isn't
> too busy).
>>I went through the steps of what sb_imapfilter.py does by hand and I
>>noticed a few things:
>>Message.asTokens is defined as follows:
>>~    def asTokens(self):
>>~        return tokenize(self.as_string())
>>and tokenize (which is really Tokenizer.tokenize does this:
>>~    def tokenize(self, obj):
>>~        msg = self.get_message(obj)
>>	[...]
>>and finally, self.get_message (which is really get_message in
>>tokenizer.py) creates a Message instance of the argument string.
>>I have the feeling that this can be made more efficient by having
>>~    def asTokens(self):
>>~        return tokenize(self)
>>instead.  get_message just returns its argument if it is a Message
>>instance (which self in Message.asTokens is).
> +1 to checking this in.
> =Tony Meyer

Done in revision 1.52 of spambayes/message.py.

Sjoerd Mullender <sjoerd at acm.org>
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