[spambayes-dev] two small patches checked in

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Mon Jan 12 17:04:10 EST 2004

> I just checked in two small patches for the head of cvs.  One 
> fixed an obvious typo leading to a SyntaxError in 
> hammiebulk.py.

Damn, sorry - I really must figure out some way of testing hammie[bulk] when
I check stuff in (although a syntax check would have got that one).

> The other was to sb_imapfilter.py so that it 
> will ignore messages that can't be parsed.

Cool - thanks.  Eventually, it'd be nice (IMO) if imapfilter handled this
like sb_server - catch exceptions and add an "X-SpamBayes-Exception" header
to the message, rather than a classification one.  But for the moment, at
least things are more stable.

=Tony Meyer

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