[spambayes-dev] (no subject)

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Jul 11 07:50:06 CEST 2004

> 1) Use Word's built in spell chocker on suspect
> spam, if it has more than five errors, move to
> Junk E-Mail folder.

Using Microsoft Word's spell checker is a simple no-go - it would be very
expensive (time-wise) to do this via COM, which is probably the most
straight-forward way.  In addition, many people don't have Microsoft
Windows, let alone Microsoft Word.  So rephrasing this to simply using
*some* spell-checking:

The vast majority of non-work email that I get would have more than five
words that are not in Word's dictionary.  (txt-speak, for example).  Despite
this, it's been suggested before, and tested:

[ 817813 ] Consider bad spelling a sign of spam

Testing showed that it didn't help.  I can did out the code if you want to
volunteer to test it as well - certainly if enough people do and can show
that it helps, it will get added as an experimental option.

See also FAQ 6.1:


=Tony Meyer

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