[spambayes-dev] Any updated information for the planstomakebetter statistics?

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Sun Oct 17 00:55:01 CEST 2004

> Don't know if it's related, but I don't think anything else 
> has changed.  I updated from CVS to get the stats changes and 
> now I'm getting an exception from the addin.  Here's the 
> exception message:
> exceptions.AttributeError: '<win32com.client.COMEventClass instance at
> 0x122933000>' object has no attribute 'name'

Sorry, this was an unrelated change that I absent-mindedly checked in at the
same time.  (I copied over the stats stuff from the checkout that I use
day-to-day to my main working copy to avoid checking in the Outlook tte
stuff I'm playing around with - but that copy already had that change, which
I forgot that I dumped after I figured it didn't work).

Anyway, I've backed that bit out and it should work properly now.  Apologies
& thanks for pointing it out :)

=Tony Meyer

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