[spambayes-dev] Subversion conversion?

Tony Meyer spambayes-dev at tangomu.com
Tue Jun 26 09:12:24 CEST 2007

> My main motivation for switching sooner rather than later is that I  
> have
> been doing much of my recent work on the train.  Using Subversion  
> would (I
> believe - correct me if I'm wrong) allow me to check my current diffs
> without being online.

+1 to switching, and +1 to doing it now.  This reason (diffing  
offline) is really the only noticeable difference for me, with the  
limited way that I use CVS/SVN, but it's a huge benefit (not just to  
be able to do it offline, but the big speed up and removal of the  
logging in requirement).


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