[spambayes-dev] [Spambayes] Spambayes for Web Access client

Will Krause will.krause at greenville.edu
Mon May 12 16:12:44 CEST 2008

Skip, Jesse,
   Thanks for the response. It's nice to know that there is someone out there who really does care about keeping end users informed.

   You guys are great!

Will Krause
VP for Technology & Planning
Greenville College
315 E. College Ave.
Greenville, IL   62246
(618) 664-7070  (office)
(618) 795-1000  (cell)

-----Original Message-----
From: skip at pobox.com [mailto:skip at pobox.com]
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2008 8:57 AM
To: Jesse Pelton
Cc: Will Krause; spambayes at python.org; spambayes-dev at python.org
Subject: Re: [Spambayes] Spambayes for Web Access client

    Jesse> I don't think so. SpamBayes gets hooked into a e-mail client (or
    Jesse> between the client and server), but when you use the Outlook web
    Jesse> interface, there is no e-mail client, just a Web client. The
    Jesse> server generates HTML sent to the browser and interprets the
    Jesse> browser's requests, but that's HTTP traffic, not IMAP or POP3.

Hmmm...  This does suggest a way you might get this to work, though it will
take some development work.  A long time ago I wrote a SpamBayes plugin for
Amit Patel's proxy3 web proxy.  The idea was to use SpamBayes to score web
pages with the intention that you could (for example) keep your six-year-old
from (accidentally?) visiting porn websites.  You could do something similar
for web-based email clients.  Just divert the traffic for your web client
through a suitable http proxy with a SpamBayes plugin.

My initial code is in the SpamBayes repository in contrib/mod_spambayes.py.
Like I said though, it will require some work to turn this into a proper
spam filter.  Any takers?


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