[Spambayes] Email client integration -- what's needed?
Mark Hammond
Fri Nov 1 02:52:30 2002
> The latest figures that I can find from Microsoft are that
> Outlook has 57% market share, Notes has 29%, Browser based email
> is 9%, and the rest is split
> between cc:Mail, GroupWise, Outlook Express, the Exchange client,
> and 2% of "Other." So Outlook is certainly the low hanging fruit
> here, but Notes is a big
> client as well.
This is really for "internet mail", whereas I bet that the figures above are
"corporate" users. Most corporate users I have spoken to simply dont have a
large spam problem - their work address is rarely publically posted to the
Web, and the corporate internet mail gateway tends to have some rudimentary
spam filtering anyway.
Basically, I would be surprised to find many Lotus Notes users with a spam
> The Notes market will be a bit more difficult to
> reach, because as a product it is even more closed than
> Outlook... (imagine that...)
I find that a strange comment given the integration already achieved with
Outlook. From an extensibility point-of-view, Outlook is almost as open as
I can imagine.