[Spambayes] An alternate use

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Sat Nov 2 14:14:56 2002

    >>> In the case of adding headers, we'll want to avoid collisions with
    >>> personal use of spambayes, too.  I suggest tagging the
    >>> X-Spambayes-Disposition header (or whatever we call it) with some
    >>> identifier for which classifier generated the rating, so that
    >>> multiple X-Spambayes-Disposition lines are distinguishable.
    >>> Something like:
    >>> X-Spambayes-Disposition: Spam by spambayes@python.org
    >>> X-Spambayes-Disposition: Unsure by pennmush@pennmush.org
    >>> Personal classifiers could leave off the 'by' section.
    >>> Heck, make it so that X-Spambayes-Disposition lines are turned into
    >>> words similar to the mailer lines, and then personal classifiers can
    >>> use the judgements of list classifiers as clues.
    >> Easy to spoof, and I'm sure spammers would pick up on that quickly.

    Alex> Yes, it would be easy to spoof, unless compared with routing
    Alex> information... but doing that sort of comparison is beyond the
    Alex> sorting rule capabilities of something like Outlook (and Outlook
    Alex> is sadly one of the best GUI tools in that arena).  I'm not even
    Alex> sure procmail is up to the task without help from a custom
    Alex> program.

I was using a spoof-proof mechanism from procmail before I disabled
SpamAssassin.  I inserted my own header using formail:

    * ! ^X-SA-Host:
      | spamc | $FORMAIL -a "X-SA-Host: `hostname --fqdn`"

which says, "if there is no X-SA-Host header present, run spamc, add a
header and include the fully qualified hostname".  If an X-SA-Host header is
present it tells me spamc had already been run on this message (I was
running SA on two different machines at the time).  That way I wasn't
relying on SA's own headers to decide whether or not to run it.
