[Spambayes] x-hammie-disposition in pop3proxy

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Sat Nov 2 17:30:22 2002

    Tim> Ok, I've got the pop3proxy up and running on my machine.  Very
    Tim> simple to get running.  I don't have a trained database (the real
    Tim> challenge) at this point, and it's adding the x-hammie-disposition
    Tim> header with value of 'no'.  I presume that this means that the
    Tim> classifier thinks this is NOT ham?  So if there's no database, then
    Tim> it assumes everything is spam?  Or am I reading the meaning of the
    Tim> header backwards?

Correct.  "no" means "i think it's ham".  "yes" means "i think it's spam".
"unsure" means ...

"no" and "yes" are interpreted the same as SpamAssassin's use of these
words.  Perhaps this suggests that we need a different header?  SA uses

    X-Spam-Status: yes

which reads in the obvious fashion.  I still think we need to leave
"X-Spam-*" to the SA folks to avoid ambiguity, but maybe we can use

    X-Ham-Status: yes         to mean "it's ham"
    X-Ham-Status: no          to mean "it's spam"

Just a thought.
