[Spambayes] pop3proxy with multiple pop server

Tim Stone - Four Stones Expressions tim@fourstonesExpressions.com
Thu Nov 28 14:57:52 2002

papadoc, the username and password are simply passed through by the proxy from 
your email client.  For each email account you have, you configure your email 
client roughly as follows:

server name: localhost
server port: <a unique port number>
userid: <whatever userid is appropriate>
password: <whatever password is appropriate>

For each email account you have, you add configuration to the pop3proxy as 

pop3proxy_servers: <a pop3 server>
pop3proxy_ports: <a unique port number, matching above>

This ties the pop3server to the local port, allowing the proxy to intercept 
your messages and insert the spambayes header.  In your example, quoted below, 
it would kinda look like this:

Email client configured for three servers:

server name: localhost
server port: 6111
userid: name1
password: ********

server name: localhost
server port: 6112
userid: name2
password: *******

server name: localhost
server port: 6113
userid: name3
password: *******

Pop3proxy configured for three servers

pop3proxy_servers: mail.gmc.ulava1.ca,pop.videotron.ca,pop.videotron.net
pop3proxy_ports: 6111,6112,6113


All that said, I need to tell you that we're currently working a problem with 
this configuration, where occasionally the proxy will hang.  If you experience 
this problem, the only solution right now is to run three separate pop3proxy 
instances, one for each account.  You cannot use the configuration items in 
Options.py to support this configuration, so you'll have to use command line 
options.  The equivalent command lines would therefore be:

pop3proxy.py -l 6111 -u 8881 -d sbdb1 mail.gmc.ulava1.ca
pop3proxy.py -l 6112 -u 8882 -d sbdb2 pop.videotron.ca
pop3proxy.py -l 6113 -u 8883 -d sbdb3 pop.videotron.net

As you see, in this configuration it is not possible to share training 
databases.  You could make (for example) sbdb1 your master, and only do 
training to it, through a web browser pointed at http://localhost:8881.  The 
master could then be periodically copied to sbdb2 and sbdb3, so that those 
proxy processes make the same spam decisions.  The proxies will need to be 
terminated before this copy, as a hot copy of those files will probably kill 
the processes.

As you can tell, this is far less than an ideal situation, and only temporary 
anyway.  We will certainly correct our hang problem, and then life will be 

Hope this helps.  - Tim Stone

11/28/2002 8:11:16 AM, papaDoc <papaDoc@videotron.ca> wrote:

>   I was testing pop3proxy with only one server: pop.videotron.ca
>and everything was going smootly. The ham and spam were filtered and
>the unsure was very low.
>Then I said, since it is woking great I will implement this for
>all my accounts. he.. he...
>pop3proxy let you define several server in the Options.py but
>how can you define the username for the different account ?
>name1 for mail.gmc.ulaval.ca
>name2 for pop.videotron.ca
>name3 for pop.videotron.net
>I look at the code but no clue, (I need some practice with python ;-6 )
>If someone helps me with this I will write instructions on how to
>use pop3proxy with mozilla and submit my work to be included in the
>Spambayes mailing list

c'est moi - TimS

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