[Spambayes] 1.0a4 broken; which_database.py lost

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Wed Aug 13 22:25:35 EDT 2003

    >> Also, if there is a way (like in perl, perldoc) in python to display
    >> "man pages" or something similar, the how-to on that (for Options.py
    >> and such).

    Tony> The equivalent in Python is basically "print object.__doc__".  So,
    Tony> in this case, "Print Options.__doc__".

You can also execute (on Unix-ish systems):

    pydoc spambayes.Options

or from the interpreter (since 2.2 on all platforms I think):

    >>> import spambayes.Options
    >>> help(spambayes.Options)


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