[Spambayes] spambayes rocks!

Mark Howells Mark.Howells at softoption.com
Tue Dec 16 09:59:20 EST 2003

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Allan Clarke [mailto:clarke at hyperformix.com]
> Sent: 16 December 2003 14:37
> If only there were a solution for my home POP3 account (Outlook Express) that was as good...

... there is.  I use sb_server (available at the SpamBayes site) to protect me and my family from Spam.  It's easy to set up, and once established you'd never know it's there. Training is a snap with the web interface.

There's also popfile (popfile.sourceforge.net) which I'm trialling that seems to give at least as good results and does n-way classification.


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