[Spambayes] I would like to display the field that is used for thescoring. I am using Outlook 2002

Tony Meyer tameyer at ihug.co.nz
Tue Dec 30 17:10:25 EST 2003

> I saw one of the FAQs had something about showing SPAM
> and mentioned it was a userdefined. But when I when to
> look for it, I saw USER DEFINED, but did not see the SPAM
> (ther were no userdefine fields)

Was it a folder that you are 'watching' for new messages, or the spam
folder?  The field only gets added to those ones (and the 'unsure' folder,
in the next release).  Have you gone through the steps in the 'about'

> Also, is it possible to have spambayes score, but not move? 

Yes.  Either as a one-off, with "Filter Messages" - chose "Score messages,
but do not perform filter action", or permanently - go to the Manager
dialog, to the Filtering tab, and choose "Untouched" from the drop-down

=Tony Meyer

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